Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: Confusion

Pain. That's all I can say. Terrible, terrible pain. Excrusiating. I pulled my knees closer to my chest, my body floating through a void. What did I see? Nothing, nor did I hear. All I felt was pain. Every movement, every breath, every tear burned. Fire burned me from the inside. My veins threatened to expload, a thousand needles were poking my spine, dogs sinking their fangs into my muscles over and over again, Thor pounded on my head with his hammer and I simply felt myself dissappear.


I'll do anything to stop it.....

As if on queu, everything stopped. Warmth soothed my muscles to relax. A gently breeze blew through my hair. A forest surrounded me. I stood in the middle. A moon shone brightly onto the land around. The exotic plants opened themselves to the moonlight.

I scanned my surroundings. All kinds of scents wafted in the air. Birds danced through the sky. Cold grass tickled my feet. I felt so free. Something I have never tasted for a long time. A summer's night spent under the moon and stars.

I ran. Simply ran. Notch knows where. I didn't care, I didn't want to know. All I wanted was to run, like I once did. The grass swooped under my bare feet like water, a flock of birds took off as I ran past them. I stepped into a puddle and water splashed around and sent a chill down my spine.

I ended up in a small meadow. I stopped in the middle and flopped down on my back. Delicate flowers brushed against my face and arms. A smile played on my lips. I stared up at the shining celebrities and made out a few constellations.

This was the life.

But then a thought struck me. What am I doing here? Why was I here? I searched the stars for any reply but only received shimmering in response. I sighed and sat up cross-legged. What is the purpose of me being here?

I stared down at my peachy hands, a white gown was loosely hanging from my shoulders, my hair was short and soft. It's like I didn't know who I am. But who am I? What happened?

I looked up once more and watched as a dark cloud covered the full moon. It soon passed and the sky was clear again. But there was one difference. There was a blood moon. The sky got a purple and red tint to it and the stars seemed to shimmer down in intensity. Something gripped my heart. My breathing quickened, a lump appeared in my throat, and I felt my blood draining away.

My eyes were still glued to the red silver which began to slowly drip onto my face.


I looked away, terrified. A girl stood in front of me. She was about seven. A bow in her hair.



I shot to my feet and crouched down beside her. I looked her in the eyes but then noticed- they were gone. Two black holes. Black blood dripped down her cheeks.

She reached her hand out towards me, - You said you'd return....-

I fell back, terrified. Was that really Bella? What happened? What have I done...

All the memories came flashing back. I felt my eyes water. Did I succeed? Did I kill him?

'It's all your fault... Your anger... It consumed you...' Fadom's words sounded in my head.

My heart sank. It's all my fault. I turned around to flee but a mirror stood in front of me. My blank eyes shone brightly back. My clothes I wore were stained in crimson. My hands held the two eyes. Her eyes. Anxiety took over and I smashed the glass into a thousand pieces.

I ran. I couldn't take it.

I ran far without looking back. I couldn't face the truth. The truth? Was this the truth?

The ground under my feet collapsed and I fell into a huge spiderweb. I wriggled around trying to free myself from the sticky substance but no avail. A huge spider-like thing approached me slowly. Its head twisted 180° around until it was upside down. The face began to melt and a bony grin appeared. Israphel's grin. He laughed and raised one of his razor-sharp legs. Poison on the tip. The same one the first time I met him. My heart raced. I tried to cut the shackles but the blade struck me in my heart.

I screamed. All the previous pain returned. I screamed my lungs out until my throat burned alive. My lungs heaved, couldn't take anymore.

I saw the ground approaching and I hit the stone surface. My body splitting into millions of parts. But my conscious stayed. The pain- it was unbearable. I shook-my mind did. I didn't know what happened. What happened to me? What am I now? Am I dead? A black face appeared in front of my eyes. White eyes stared back at mine with surprise and pity. A small hiss escaped its mouth and the world disappeared. I disappeared. The eyes disappeared.

I died.




No this is not the ending guys! It's what's happened in his head when he fell and blacked out.

Tell me what ye think of this! I decided to include some psychedelic stuff along with gore and shizz. It's my first time to write something like that so I would appreciate feedback <33 did I send chills down yer spine? Bet not xD

Vote n comment!

DJ out!

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