Chapter Seven: Celebration

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                   (Keely's P.O.V)

I was finally getting out of this hospital! I couldn't wait to go hang and with Niall. I was put into a wheelchair after they finished doing tests, and was dressed into my own clothes. Niall pushed me out, of course we were laughing our butts off messing around. My parents were flipping out, "NIALL!!! PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!!!!" they hollered, we just kept laughing "yes mom and dad we screamed"we finally got to the vehicle, Niall picked me up bridal style, and I nestled my head into the crook of his neck "I Love You Niall" I whispered. "I love you too princess" he whispered back. My mom, dad, brother, Niall and I all rode together while the other four boys rode together. I still had no idea who they were, some how I knew them and Niall were associated, but I wasn't sure how, so I finally decided to ask. "Who are those other four boys?" I asked while holding his hand and he cuddled me. "Well you see, as you know I'm in a" "you are?! So your famous?" I interupted him. "yeah.." he said quietly. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude and interrupt you." "it's okay" "so those four other guys are my band mates, but I consider them more of my brothers, Harry, well he's the curly haired one with lots of tattoos, Zayn, he's the one with the ZAP! tattoo, and is engaged to perrie, she's from a British band 'little mix' and he has a bunch of tats, Louis, he wears the stripes, and sometimes suspenders, and has quite a few tattoos and his bird "Kevin" on his right arm and is dating Eleanor Calder, and finally there's Liam, he has four arrows tattooed on his right arm all facing "one direction" which is our band name, and representing each of the other four lads, then there's me, the only Irish one from the group, tattoo less, and with the best girlfriend anyone could ever have" "Aw, Ni!!!" I was so glad that this boy loved me so much. "so I'm probably pretty hated by your fans aren't I?" I questioned nervously."Yes and no, because we are actually both famous, and obviously there will always be haters, but for the most part we are shipped." he said, I chuckled when he said were both famous. "me, famous...yeah right!" I rolled my eyes, "nice one Nialler" I kept laughing. That's when my mother turned and looked worried Niall looked her in the eyes, I'm pretty sure just telling her that it was okay. "Actually Keely, your an Olympian, you went last year, it was only a few months after we met." "I'm a thrower right?!" "yes! you remembered that's wonderful! when we get home we will celebrate!!"

sorry this chapter wasn't as great as I was hoping, but I'm trying to update everyday because I know how you feel waiting for a month for an update!! its so upsetting!! but I promise I will not do that to you guys! okay, I need help, what should their ship name be? I can't think! please comment for ideas!! or kik me! kamcl13!! thank you so much you wonderful lovely readers!! I'm so greatful for you! god bless you! Xx thanks


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