Chapter Twenty-Two: It's Perfect.....

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Niall's P.O.V

It was nice to see my mum, it had been a little while. I was truly going to be bored and sad without Keely today, but I'm sure it would be fun with the other lads, so I would try to make the best of it.

Keely's P.O.V

This day was going to be great! I would finally be picking out my wedding dress! I already knew what I was looking for.. simple ball gown with either a black ribbon around the waist or jeweled. All the girls and I loaded up in the car to head to the dress shop. Once we got there I was taken back to a room and on the way I told the clerk what I was looking for. She nodded her head and left to go to the back room. I tried on a few different dresses hearing all the comments from the ladies, until I finally put it on, it was truly perfect, just what I had dreamed of since I was little. That's when I got the call from Liam and Louis.

Niall's P.O.V

I didn't drink very often because I knew that it made Keely upset, but today I decided to splurge and have a few since it was just me and the guys. We had went to a bar just a little bit away... when we got in there i sat down at the table and ordered my drinks. I noticed a few of the girls were trying to get my attention but i ignored them. Once i received my drinks, two turned into 5.. 5 into 7 until I lost count.. I heard that I wasn't much different when I was drunk but who could say for sure?! Things were beginning to get blurry, and the room seemed to shake a bit sometimes, but I shook it off the best I could. Those girls, again, so I decided to go approach them.. "hey girls!" I said obnoxiously. "Hi!" They chuckled "you're the Niall Horan! Oh my gosh!" The said back loudly.. I don't remember much after that, but all I know is that it went down hill from there... and when I woke up I was alone in a cold empty house, with a pounding headache.

Keely's P.O.V

No matter how many times I tried to tell myself there was no way it was true, I knew the truth, and truth was, he cheated over getting drunk, and hurt Liam almost hospitalizing him as well. I cried for at least 2 days straight at Maura's. She tried to comfort me the best that she could, and told me everything would be okay. All the lads stopped by to comfort me, and allow me to use them as crying bags and to snuggle them. Not only was something happening between Niall and I, something happened between Becca and I, we got in a huge fight, and we both tried to fix what we screwed up, but it was too late.. no part of our forever long friendship was salvageable. Harry and her broke up as well so she went back to the Usa. Perrie stayed with the entire time, along with Rachel, they stayed by my side during it all.. it was great, but between Niall and I, I'm not sure what I would do.

Hope you enjoyed the twist!! (; well comment ideas and stuff! Cool tanks! Sorry I never update... ugh I suck well thanks for the 300 something reads! Oh, and I changed up the story because it was to fake and cheesy, and not realistic, no real life relationship is that lovey dovey and mushy.... so yeah stay beautiful, and stay strong!

-Kel (: †

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