Chapter Twenty: Planning

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*A Few Weeks Later*

Keely's P.O.V

Today was the day... me and my Niall were going to plan our wedding. "So who should we call first?" He asked flipping open a phone book. I gave him a 'really, you can't be serious look'... "Babe, we're not calling anyone, we are doing it on our own!! I've always wanted to plan one and now it's my chance, I hope you don't care, but it's up to you, but if I do it, I promise it will be great." He sighed jokingly then smiled and gushed, "Well if we want the best wedding in the world then I better let you do it because everything you do is amazing." I cooed an "aw" at him and laughed. I grabbed a notebook and pen, and started writing topics on a few of the tops of the pages. "Okay, so what colors do we want?" "Urm.... good question" he chuckled nervously. "Okay well moving on from that one for now..." I turned to the guests page, "How about the people attending? Obviously my Mom and Grams and aunts and uncles, and your family, the lads and Josh, and we can't forget about Lou and her husband and Lux, Paul, Perrie, Becca, Rachel, Elenour, Danielle. Honestly I'm not sure who else!?" " Yeah me either.. guess if we think of more we can always come back to it." "We sure can, so the next thing... let's go with locations.. I wouldn't mind the beach, " I gave him a wink, then I continued with my idea train, " A church obviously, I don't know but I want it to be meaningful ya know?" "Yeah, I know what you mean, and I want it to be too... well next one I guess?" he asked questioningly. "Well we can't do decorations until we know a location so I guess that's really it for today... I'm going to call the girls up so we can go dress and shoe shopping, you and the boys can go tux shopping or whatever you idiot men do!" I laughed at him histarically  at his childish eye roll. I excused myself from the table and headed up to the bedroom to call the girls. We settled on going in a few hours, I wanted a nice dress, but nothing that was overly pricey, I mean you wear the thing for a couple of hours so what's the point in spending 30,000 on it!? I knew exactly what I wanted, so it shouldn't be too overly hard and exhausting. After sitting there a moment thinking to myself I went to the top of the stairs and hollered down to Niall, "Hey, babe, I'm gonna take a shower and get ready to go with the girls, is there anything that you want me to do before I hop in?" I heard the chair scooting then footsteps approaching, "uhm, no I don't think so!" He smiled up at me. I smiled back putting my hand to my mouth blowing him a kiss, he put his hand up acting like he caught it, putting his hand to his mouth, as if I was kissing him, then he put his hand in his pocket. I just laughed uncontrollably, and then twirled around heading for the bathroom door, I heard him coming up the stairs behind me so I ran a little faster giggling when I had finally reached the door shutting it as fast as I could. 'Knock, knock' I opened the door just enough to peek my eye out, I then opened it all the way. "What might you need Prince Charming?" "Oh, only a kiss from my Princess before she begins to cleanse her beautiful self." "Oh really? well what if the lady says no?" I chuckled quietly, "Well the lady can never say no... so I guess the only option is..." he grabbed me fast leaning me over and kissing me. "Is kissing her?" I asked curiously... "That my dear is correct." I stepped back wards a few times in a fancy like manner and shutting the door.. Finally, I turned the water on to warm it up before getting in. Shortly after I heard the door open and close, I peeked out the best I could without getting caught, but no luck, until suddenly I heard him singing 'Irresistible' while strumming his guitar, I finally piped in.. We sang a couple more songs and made more small talk. I turned the water off, "Ni, can I get a towel please?" I asked sweetly peeping just my head out waiting for my towel, once he handed it to me I shut the curtain and tried off and then wrapped the towel tightly around myself, tucking it in tightly near my left shoulder, after that I opened the curtain to reveal Niall standing there waiting for me. Before I could speak, I was picked up bridal style from the tub.. he walked carefully into our room setting me down gently, kissing my cheeks, nose, and head, then he left the room and that left me to get dressed before the girls would be coming over. We were going to get the most perfect, most beautiful dress.

Woah, I couldn't stop... I guess when Ur tired u get flooded with ideas I don't eben no, today Midnight Memories is released!! Party hard ( say that in zayns accent ull laugh haaa) and tomorrow they r on good morning america... I'm hungry.. I'm so random right now like I can't even right now.... okay so comment you fav you tuber! who watched the FAB-U-LOUS live stream!!? Well I watched bits and pieces of it and them dancing to talk dirty... I couldn't stop laughing the most freakin random stupid dancing! uhm also comment Ur fav song from the new album!!! mine is prob.... little white lies or better then words or strong or story of my life or midnight memories or you & I... screw it I like the whole flipping thing! and I LOVEEEEE half a heart ( its from ultimate edition!) well I am sorry about my lame b.s. rant. and for not updating... I am sorry that I get busy being random and doing stuff I apologize deeply tho! well okay comment Ur answers to the questions, and also ideas, and errors!! cool I'll prob get like 1 comment if I'm lucky, but watair! cool well I'm in pain so bye lovelies!! stay strong! stay beautiful!

-Kel† <3 ;P :*

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