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I giggled as Luke spins around in his skirt. "You look so pretty Lukey." I giggled again.

He smiled. "Thanks Ashy. I got yours too." He held up a matching baby blue skirt. I smiled and jumped up.

He helped me pick out an outfit, close to his. Mine had more pink and girly stuff in it. We were laughing and playing around when I heard the front door open.

"I'm home!" I smiled and grabbed Luke's hand as we ran down the stairs.

"Master!" I squealed. He smiled and gave both me and Luke a peck on the lips.

"Your all dressed up." He said and stepped back to look at the both of us.

"Doesn't Ashy look pretty?" Luke asked.

"You both look more than pretty." I blushed and smiled at the ground. "Is Michael home yet?" He asked.

"Daddy said he wouldn't be home till dinner, remember?" Luke asked with a giggle.

"Right, I forgot. What shall we do till then? Should we watch a movie?"

"Yes!" We both yelled. "Why don't you guys go pick out a movie while I go change." He chuckled and tapped our bums as we raced to the living room. "No running!" He yelled as he walked up the stairs. We both immediately slowed down and started walking.

We ended up agreeing on The Hunger Games. I sat on the couch and snuggled up to Luke under the blankets.

When Calum came down, he sat between us and I snuggled up to his side. He put one arm around both of us. Luke pressed play and about half an hour into it, my eyes became heavy.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Before I went under I felt Calum press a kiss to my forehead.

I opened my eyes and shivered. I looked over to see that Calum and Luke were gone. The light was on in the kitchen.

I got up and before I entered the kitchen, I heard whispers of my name. I listened closer and leaned against the wall.

"Can't we just send him back?" Luke asked. My heart broke. Luke doesn't want me here?

"Aww Lukey are you jealous? You want all the attention on you?" Michael asked.

I leaned over and saw him nod.

"Why didn't you just say so?" Calum asked.

"Thought you guys would say no." Luke mumbled.

"We can send him back tomorrow." Michael said casually. They were leaving me too? They didn't want me.

They didn't want me.

"Do you think someone is going to actually take him again though? I mean after us that will be...what 3 dominates he's gone through?" Calum asked. They said they didn't care. They said they loved me.

"Naw. I'm sure someone will pity him. I mean he's also got a nice body, so if anything, someone might get him just for sex." Michael replied.

Tears started streaming down my face. They were going to leave me. They promised they wouldn't.

They lied to me.

They said they loved me! They said they would never leave me! They lied!

I started sobbing. All the boys heads turned to me. They didn't come to comfort me though. They just sat there and watched me cry.

What's gotten into them? They were never like this before. Was it all a lie? Were they that good of actors? Or am I just that naive and stupid?

Probably the latter.

"Please" I whimpered. I just wanted them to hold me, but they just continued to stare.

I jolted awake. I looked over to see the couch empty and the kitchen light on. It was just like my dream and I was scared to go and look.

I should've known it was a dream. Daddy would never call Lukey anything but Baby boy unless he was in trouble.

Tears were still streaming down my face. I felt a sob come up my throat and I covered my mouth to muffle it.

I looked at the clock, 7:09. Michael should be home by now. Which means that they could be talking about sending me away. I didn't blame them.

I hugged my knees and cried into them silently. I heard footsteps and didn't even bother to look up.

"Baby girl what are you doing? I thought you were still sleeping." Michael asked.

I didn't answer him and tried to hold in my tears. "Answer me when I talk to you." He growls.

"I'm s-sorry daddy." I sobbed and he immediately kneeled down in front of me. He grabbed my face and gently lifted it up. "What's wrong baby? What happened?" He asked worriedly.

"P-please don't send me a-away." I sobbed and he frowned. "I promise I'll b-be better. I won't...I won't..." I couldn't finish because I was sobbing too much.

"Hey hey hey. I'm not sending you away. I love you baby girl. I'll never leave you." He cooed and wrapped his arms around me.

"P-promise?" I asked shakily.

"I promise." He whispered and kissed my head. He rocked me back and forth, which calmed me down after a while.

"What made you think I would ever give up such a precious baby like you?" He asked after I was only sniffling.

"In my dream you all were saying you didn't want me anymore. You guys only w-wanted Lukey. But I woke up and they were actually gone...I-I thought you guys actually l-left me." I whimpered.

"Never baby. Never. How about we go upstairs and cuddle. And as much as I don't want to ruin your beautiful outfit, we can get you into something more comfortable."

I just nodded and he got up to go upstairs but I whimpered and asked shyly. "C-carry me?" He smiled.

"Of course baby." I snuggled my face into his neck and when we got to his room, he gave me one of his shirts and some sweats. I changed quickly and snuggled into his waiting arms on the bed.

I fell asleep again, this time my sleep was peaceful and didn't consist of any more nightmares. But I knew it was because I was in my daddy's arms.

The picture above is what they look like in the story.

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