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I feel something shift under me, causing me to groan and open my eyes slowly.

Michael is slightly snoring and I'm still cuddled to his side. There's a loud bang, then some hushed whispers.

I quickly get up and make sure Michael is still asleep as I make my way down to the kitchen.

"L-Lukey? M-master?" I call quietly.

"In here princess!" I hear Calum whisper shout.

I walk in to see them putting some pancakes out on the table. "Is daddy still sleeping?" Luke asks and I just nod.

I can't quite shake the feeling that dream gave me. I know Luke would never say that stuff. But...what if he's actually feeling it?

Does Luke really love me? Or does he just want daddy and master to himself?

I don't blame him. What's to love about me?

"Hey ashy are you okay?"

I just nod my head in his direction. "Fine. Why?" I snap.

"Watch your tone." Calum scolds and I look down at my hands.

"Sorry Lukey. I'm still just a bit tired."

He nods and I sit down next to Calum, causing Luke to frown. I always sit next to him.

After breakfast I change into some of daddy's clothes. Seeing as he's still sleeping, I crawl back into the bed and snuggle with him again. I end up drifting back to sleep.

When I wake up he's gone. I rub my eyes tiredly and get up to check around the house. When I don't find him, or anyone else, I yell slightly.

"Daddy? Master? Lukey?" When I don't get a reply, I huff in annoyance and walk into the living room, only to find a note.

If you wake up and we still aren't back, don't worry. We've gone to the store to pick up some groceries. We should be back by 10-Master

They didn't even ask if I wanted to go! I was in a sour mood and I know that I should probably fix it before they come back.

I took a deep breath and sat on the couch. It was 9:30 so I had a little bit to myself. Why not enjoy it? But all I wanted was my daddy at the moment.

I was still a little sad and insecure. I needed Michael right now.

I layed down and mindlessly watched the tv. When the door opened, I perked up but frowned when only Calum and Luke walked in.

"Where's daddy?"

"Worked called him in. He should be back by dinner."

I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Why can't he come home sooner?" I asked with a bit to much venom in my voice.

Calum stopped with the grocery bags and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Watch the tone. I thought I already told you that this morning."

He continued to pack the bags in the cupboards.

"Don't have an attitude or a tone." I mumbled to myself. I'm guessing he heard it though, as he turned and glared at me.

"Last warning. Drop the tone and stop with the back talk."

I glared at him and threw my arms up. What attitude? I just wanted Michael.

Luke just packed the groceries silently and kept his mouth shut.

"Princess could you help with the groceries please?" Calum asked just as I went to get up and leave. Really? Just leave me alone.

I sighed heavily and groaned. Luke gave me a warning glance, telling me to stop my so called 'attitude'.

"Don't wanna." I mumbled to Luke. Calum looked at me though.


"I wasn't talking to you!" I yelled but regretted it instantly. He grabbed my arm while I apologized profusely.

"Kitten can you finish up? I'll be out as soon as I can." Luke just nodded while Calum dragged me to his bedroom.

"What's gotten into you today?" He asked sternly, once he has closed the door.

I looked at my hands and sighed sadly. "I'm sorry." I whisper but Calum just shakes his head.

"You're getting punished. You know that right?" I shake my head and start to back up as he approaches me.

"Please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. I'll be a good boy. I swear."

He grabs my arm and sits on the bed, bringing me over his lap. I try to pull away but he's stronger than me.

He pins my arms down and pulls my pants down, along with my underwear. He rubs my back until I calm down. "Now I want you to tell me why your getting this spanking."

"I was disrespectful and rude. I had an attitude and I yelled." He nods. "Count them for me." He says but I just whimper. He rubs my bum once before bringing his hand down.

"One" I whimper.









He switches sides and brings his hand down harder.


"S-si-x" by now I was quietly crying.









"Good job princess. You took your punishment so well." He cooed and pulled me up into his arms. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and he pulled my pants back up.

He rocked us back and forth for a while until there was a knock at the door.

"C-can I come in?" Luke asked and Calum looked down at me. I nodded my head.

"Yeah." Calum says and Luke comes in and immediately comes over and snuggles into my side.

"Why don't we all just snuggle for a bit?" Calum asks and lays down, pulling me with him. I pull Luke down and we just lay there silently.

The longer we're silent, the more I can think. Which is never a good thing. I loosen my grip on Luke and pull away from Calum slightly.

They don't seem to notice or they just don't care. Probably the later.


They love me.

I hate when I think bad about myself. I hate my thoughts, my mind.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a loud snore escape Calum's mouth. I look over to see Luke is sleeping as well.

I get up slowly, so I don't wake them and head downstairs.

I sit on the couch and hug my knees to my chest.

They would never leave me.

It's sad how I have to keep reminding myself this.

I don't want to think that I'm getting bad again.

I lose myself in my thoughts and end up drifting off to sleep on the couch.

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