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I waited in the car for Ashton. He had decided he wanted to spend the day with me.

I smiled as he ran towards the car, almost tripping in his haste.

"Where are we going?" He asks as soon as he's in the car.

"It's a surprise." I say and he frowns.

"Please...?" He tries to beg but before he can I cut him off.

"I'm not going to tell you so don't even try to trick me." I jokingly say but he gives me a confused look, tilting his head slightly. I mentally coo at as adorableness.

"How would I trick you master?"

"With your cuteness now shush before I crack and tell you what we're doing today." I try to hide my smile but can't help it as a smile breaks across his face and he lets out the cutest giggle ever.

He was the definition of sunshine. Happy and bright.

Well not lately but we were going to fix that.


"Princess can't you get it at least once. You aren't knocking down any of the pins." I called jokingly to him.

"Some of us aren't pros at this Cal. It takes time." He yelled back. I knew this was supposed to be a fun day so I let his attitude slide. I laughed, this felt like before when we had first met.

"Would you like some help?" I ask with a smirk and his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"Please?" He asks and I smile.

I get up and step behind him, grabbing a bowling ball on my way.

I grab his hand and help him hold the ball correctly. Then I smirk and step behind him, holding the ball, along with him.

I swing his arm back and he lets go of the ball. It knocks all the pins down, giving him a spare.

He pouts. "How're you so good at this?"

I laugh. "Practice. Maybe we should come here more often. You know for practice." I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder as I say this, causing him to smile.

"Okay." He says simply, I can practically hear the smile in his voice.

"Why don't we finish this game up so we can go get something to eat, yeah?" I ask and he turns around in my arms, nodding.

I smile and quickly peck his lips before picking up my own ball and throwing it, getting a strike. That makes Ashton pout until I kiss all over his face making him giggle.

I helped him for the rest of the game, and maybe I started 'accidentally' missing the pins so he would win. But he didn't need to know that.

I grabbed his hand as we drove around town. "Where do you want to eat?" I ask and he thinks before giggling and excitedly jumping in his seat. "NANDOS!"

"Wow! Calm down princess." I laughed, turning the car around, heading towards the restaurant. "Nando's it is."

We got there in about 5 minutes and I had to jog to keep up with Ashton. I didn't yell at him though, I was just glad to see him so happy, which would probably come back to bite me in the ass but I didn't care at the moment. As long as my princess was happy.

We didn't wait long for a table, maybe 10 minutes. Which was good considering it usually took 30.

Everything was perfect, Ashton was talking happily about some new movie he wanted to go see. I mentally noted that down, reminding myself to tell the boys about it.

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