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I wake up to insistent knocking on the front door and groan, I roll over and try to snuggle up to one of the boys when I realize that I wasn't at my house, but at Josh's and I had moved in with him. I roll out of bed and quickly make my way to the door.

I open it and the first thing I see is red. "Ashton Irwin?" The man asks and I nod. "These are for you." He says and hands me 3 bouquets of roses. I shut the door behind him and walk to the living room.

I sit down and set the roses on the coffee table. I pick up the little note attached to one of them.

My love,
Just a moment ago, I thought about you and my heart was filled with gratitude. So before another moment goes by I want to say thank you. Thank you for the late night laughs and the early morning kisses. Thank you for holding my hand through this life and proving that good people really do exist. Thank you for your love and friendship. And most of all, thank you for the pleasure of being your boyfriend. I miss you so much princess. Please come home soon. Calum xx

I wiped away the stray tears that managed to escape and picked up the second note by the roses.

I want to swim in an ocean of blankets with you. I want to fall asleep holding your hand. I love your cuddles and I want to snuggle you forever. I want to kiss your nose and squeeze you tight, let's sleep in on the weekends and I'll make you pancakes. We'll stay in our pajamas all day and watch our favorite movies together, I'll make you forget all your problems. We can talk about our dreams and about the future... maybe our future? I wouldn't mind that. I think I could handle your grumpiness. I'm sorry, you know I'm terrible at writing letters but I love you so much and I miss you.
Xx Luke xX

I laughed a little bit but still couldn't help myself from crying. I picked up the last piece of paper and took a deep breath before reading it.

You once asked me, 'Why do you love me?', which honestly is an unanswerable question, and I could write essays and essays and it still wouldn't begin to touch the surface. But I'll say this, You're the best, most amazing person I've ever known, and that alone is a big deal. Not only that, but you have a big heart...and an adorable face. And seriously, your smile, God. Your smile is the cutest thing in the world, aside from your giggle. You leave me breathless. Everything about you is beautiful. I love you so much, words can't explain. Come home soon.-Michael xxxx

I was sobbing by now but I couldn't help the smile from breaking across my face. I loved these dorks so much.

Of course Josh chose to come home at this moment and walk in on me sobbing over some flowers. He immediately ran over and hugged me.

"I'll get rid of these." He said but I quickly stopped him.

"No! I'm crying because I'm happy." He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me again.

"Your an odd one Ashton." I just smiled and clutched the love letters to my chest.

"Do you guys think he'll like these?" Michael asks and Luke just shakes his head while I chuckle.

"No, here he likes these kind of skirts better." Luke picks up a blue skirt and hands it to Michael.

"Thanks." He mutters and we continue our shopping. We've been up since 6, just trying to get everything perfect.

We sent him some flowers and now we were currently shopping for anything he might like.

While Luke and Michael were looking at all the clothes, I wandered off, looking for the perfect gift that would win him back.

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