Chapter 2: A day with the ladykiller

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DISCLAIMER: I obviously do not own any songs mentioned or anything.

Reader's POV

I woke up to my annoying ass alarm clock blasting in my ear. I rolled over to turn it off and fell off the bed. I yelped in surprise. Not even a second later, Shizuo burst through the door, looking around for any signs of danger or harm that could come to me. He looked down to see me on the floor, tangled in my (F/C) blanket. Shizuo sighed and walked over, turning of the alarm clock and helping me get untangled from my bed sheets. "Thanks, Shizuo." I laughed a little, gathering my uniform for work. "Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up and get ready. Do you need me to walk you to work?" Shizuo asked. "Nope. Masaomi offered to take me to work and pick me up so we can hang out." I replied, heading towards the bathroom with my uniform. "Okay. I'll see you at breakfast then." Shizuo said, smiling a little before walking down the hall. I turned on my music really loud and closed the bathroom door. Then, I took off my pajamas and jumped into the shower. When I finished the shower, I blow dried my hair and curled it. I applied my usual makeup and then got dressed. I put my cat ears on before turning off my music, grabbing my phone, and walking to the kitchen where Shizuo already started eating breakfast without me. "You're a dick." I glared at the blonde that was eating bacon in front of my face. He just smirked. "Whatever. Tie me." I said, rolling my eyes and turning around. Shizuo tied the bow of the 'corset' styled back of my uniform. "Thank you, kind sir." I thanked, turning around to fix his bow tie. When I finished fixing his tie, I went over to the stove and shoved a few pieces of bacon in my mouth. That's when there was a knock on the door. Shizuo left to go answer it as I focused on the bacon in my mouth. "(Y/N)! It's Masaomi!" Shizuo called. I grabbed my stuff and put my heels on before heading towards the door. "Hey, beautiful~!" Masaomi greeted. "Watch it." Shizuo warmed, eyeballing Masaomi. I elbowed Shizuo in the arm and stepped out of the door to greet Masaomi. "Bye, Shizuo~!" I chimed, giving him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. "Bye. Stay away from the flea bastard. Tell me if he comes near her, Masaomi." Shizuo said, giving Masaomi a stern look. "Yes, sir." Masaomi saluted, dragging me away by my arm. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Masaomi spoke up. "So, what songs are you planning to sing this afternoon?" He asked. "Oh, um... Play Date, Milk and Cookies, Gone, and Just Like Fire. A random mix of my usually categorized music, I know. It's so unlike me, but I thought I would just make it random today." I replied. "Wow, are you okay? I think you are sick. I never thought in all my days I would see the (Y/N) Heiwajima sing random songs, in a row, by different artists that have no relation." Masaomi laughed. I rolled my eyes as we reached the cafe. "You're staying at least until Derrin gets here, right?" I asked. "If you want me to." Masaomi winked. I rolled my eyes once again and went to check in with my boss, Selena Mecronos. "Hey, boss." I greeted. "Hey, my money maker." Selena joked. "Oh, come on. I'm just like any other waitress." I laughed. "No. Do you know how many people are requesting you right now?" Selena asked. My eyes widened as I grabbed my notepad and pen and ran out to the customers. I went up to the first table of four teenage boys. They looked to be about Masaomi's age. "Hey, hot stuff. Took you long enough." One of them said. The anger already rose inside me, but that's another thing this job is good for. Helping me learn to hide my anger and control it. I smiled at the boys. "Sorry for the wait! What can I help you boys with?" I asked, giggling a little to look cute. It is my job after all. Fuck my life... After I took their order, I brought it to the kitchen and went to my next customer.

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: Our lil baby boo, Izaya~

Still Reader's POV

After awhile of the same old waiting tables, it was thirty minutes before I needed to hit the stage. I smiled widely when my beloved childhood best friend walked into the cafe. "Derrin~!" I called, running over to give him a hug. "Hey, (N/N)." Derrin replied, hugging back. (A/N: (N/N) means nickname). "Right on time to set up!" I said, dragging him to the stage. "(Y/N), you have one last request at table eight!" Saga, one of my other friends and co waitress, called before I got on stage. I nodded and walked over to grab my notepad and pen. I headed to table eight to see someone who I had dreaded to see the whole day. Izaya... "Ugh, what do y- I mean... How may I help you, master." I asked through gritted teeth, yet politely. "Oooh~. Master~. I like it, (Y/N)-chan~!" Izaya chimed. I sighed. "Whatever. What can I get you?" I asked, forcing my smile back on my face. "I'll take what you recommend, (Y/N)-chan~." Izaya replied. I cringed and walked to the kitchen to place the order. Then, I walked back to the stage where Derrin was helping set up the instruments. I started helping with the microphones. Derrin picked up his guitar. "Ready?" He asked. "Let's rock!"

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: Attack On Titan (A/N: I'm skipping the performance for the sake of the chapter, but you can read yourselves performing in another chapter)~

Masaomi's POV

(Y/N)'s performance was perfect, as always. She's great! I'm glad to have the honor of being her friend... These thoughts went through my head as (Y/N) said goodbye to Derrin and walked to where I was. "Sorry for the wait. Anyway, let's gooo~!" She chimed. And with that, I led her out of the cafe and down the street.

Author-chan's Summary of (Y/N) and Masaomi's hangout day~!

(Y/N) and Masaomi spent the rest of the day shopping for random things, singing obnoxiously loud in public, and just having as much fun as possible. "You know, Derrin really likes you. I can tell. I mean, I know you two have been friends since childhood, but the way he looks at you when you two perform speaks more than 'I love you as a friend'." Masaomi said randomly when the duo had sat down at a table, right outside of a little coffee shop. "Nuuu! Don't say that, Mas. Derrin would never feel that way about me, and if he were to ever admit something like that, I would probably just die." (Y/N) whined, burying her face in her arms trying to hide her blush. Only one thought ran through her mind... Please don't feel that way, Derrin...

Did my 'Arachne's Daughter', Death The Kid X Reader, readers catch the crossover? I'll give you a hint if you didn't realize... Her name starts with an 'S'...

P.s.  She will be showing up a lot more because I know how much you guys love her~!❤️❤️❤️

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