Chapter 4: Where is Shizuo when you need him?

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Reader's POV

I had just gotten home from work. I got off early, due to some problems Selena had to deal with. When I was heading home, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. But, now I'm home and am sitting on the couch. Dang it! The feeling is still here... I got up off the couch and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and sat down at the table. I kept looking around. I couldn't shake the feeling I had the whole time. I pulled out my phone and called Derrin. "Hello." I heard him say through the phone. "Hey, Derrin. I just can't help but feel I'm being watched so I called you." I replied, still looking around. "Aw~, don't I feel special. Do you want me to come over." He asked. "No, it's okay. I just wanted to talk to you to calm me down." I told him as I took a sip of my water. "Okay, tell me if you change your mind. Could it be another one of your crazy fans?" Derrin laughed a little when he asked that. "By this point, I wouldn't doubt that." I giggled even though I was a little scared at the fact that if someone really is watching me, they can probably get me the second I'm not paying attention. "Shit... Derrin, can I call you back?" I asked. I had just realized I needed to close my window. Fml... What if somebody got in... I thought as fear coursed through me. "Of course. Bye~." Derrin said. "Adios." I smiled before hanging up. I ran to my room.  I walked in to see my window... Closed? What the hell?... I slowly walked towards the window only to be pulled away and a hand placed over my mouth. "Shhh... I'm not trying to hurt you~." An all too familiar voice chimed in my ear. He took his hand off my mouth as I spun around. "Izaya, what the fuck are you doing here!? Have you been stalking me this whole time!?" I yelled/asked the ravenette who was smirking his signature smirk. "I wanted to visit my (Y/N)-chan~!" He replied, hugging me. I pushed him away. "I'm not your '(Y/N)-chan'." I pouted, turning around. He hugged me again, from behind and buried his face in the crook of my neck. "Get away! Nobody likes you." I growled, trying to pry him off. I failed. Instead, he spun me around and pinned me to the wall next to us. "Please, get off me!" I begged, struggling against his strong hold. "Nuh-uh-uh~, (Y/N)-chan. I'm afraid I can't do that~." He hummed, kissing my neck. Tears pricked my eyes. He wouldn't, would he?... Oh, who am I kidding!? He probably would! He's Izaya, for crying out loud!... (Y/N), no matter what, you have to be strong... Thoughts like this ran through my head while I kept my eyes tight shut. I didn't realize Izaya had stopped and was staring at me, until I opened my eyes. I gave him the hardest, meanest, and scariest glare I could. "Leave. Me. Alone!" I warned through gritted teeth. "Make me." He simply replied before crashing his lips into mine. Don't give in... What ever you do, don't give in... D-don't... Give... I-in... I couldn't help it. My eyes slowly fluttered shut and I kissed back. I knew it wasn't right and I shouldn't kiss back, but I couldn't help it. He was a really good kisser. Without realizing it, my hands tangled into his hair. He leaned his head to the side to deepen the kiss. His tongue trailed over my lower lip. This was getting to be too much. I lightly pushed on his chest as a signal to stop, but he just snaked his arms around my waist and held me tighter. He pushed me harder against the wall. I still didn't give his tongue entrance. Then, he grinded against me which made me gasp and his tongue slipped through. His tongue ventured around the inside of my mouth before I roughly pushed him away for air. I noticed a string of saliva connecting to each of our mouths as I panted for air. I had a huge blush on my face while Izaya panted a little with a smirk. He put his arms back around my waist and started kissing my neck. After awhile of searching, Izaya finally found my sweet spot and started sucking and biting on it. I tried to suppress the moans that threatened to come out. But, yet again, I failed. I moaned quite loudly and felt Izaya smirk against my neck. All of a sudden my phone rang in my back pocket. Shit... I told Derrin I'd call him back... I thought as I pulled my phone out to see Derrin's name. Izaya took my phone and looked at it. Then, he just threw it across the room. I glared at him, but he just went back to what he was doing before. His hands slithered up my shirt, but I grabbed them just in time before they got any higher. "Izaya, this is too much." I said, softly. "Really, because you look like you want it." Izaya smirked. "No, I don't. Please." I started to beg again as the tears came back. Izaya looked confused for once. That's when, the front door of the apartment opened. Shizuo... "You have to get out of here!!" I whisper yelled, pushing Izaya towards the window. "Fine, but this isn't over, dear (Y/N)-chan~." Izaya said before pecking me on the lips and jumping out the window. I quickly shut it and walked out of my room to greet Shizuo. I'm not gonna lie, I felt really icky. "Hiii~!" I chimed with a big smile. "Hey, kiddo." Shizuo replied, giving me a hug. "First of all, we're twins. Second of all, I am not a kid." I laughed. He chuckled before pulling me with him to the couch to watch tv and tell me about his day.

Izaya's POV

I sighed as I walked down the darkish streets of Ikebukero. (Y/N)-chan is so easy to fool... I loved her reactions to me messing with her... Too bad, really that she has no idea it's all for fun... But... Why was she about to cry?....

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