Chapter 20: Lost

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I'm back~...
Things are getting harder now that it's almost the one year anniversary of my bestfriend/aunt's passing, but I owe you guys a chapter...

Motivation/Inspiration for this chapter: BlackWolfPhan

Reader's POV

It's been a little over a year since Selena was diagnosed with Sarcoma cancer. Words cannot express how hard it's been. She's been getting worse and worse, but I know she'll be okay... I just know it... She can't die... She can't leave me... All of her hair is gone at this point. She's been really insecure, but I've been trying my best to make her feel comfortable. I was at home, gathering some things for Selena. She can't walk well, and she has to use oxygen tanks for her breathing. Shizuo walked in the room and sighed. I assumed it was from my appearance. My hair was a mess, I had bags under my eyes, and I was wearing comfortable-casual clothes. "You need to take a break. I'm sure Selena would say the same." Shizuo said, walking over to me. "You know I can't, Shizuo." I replied, weakly. "I know how you feel, (Y/N). It's hard for me too, but you need to face reality a bit. Listen, Derrin and I have been worried about you. You've been getting your hopes up pretty high." Shizuo said, putting his hand on my shoulder as I continued to put together what I needed into a box. "What does that even mean?" I asked, a bit irritated. "It means that Selena has a rare type of cancer. She's getting worse everyday. She's not gonna get better. As much as it hurts to say it. If you keep getting your hopes up, it's gonna hurt worse when she-... when it's her time. Don't you want her to stop suffering? I know how close you too are but if you keep trying to keep her here, she's just gonna suffer more." Shizuo explained. I froze. I'm so selfish... But... She still can't leave me here... A tear rolled down my cheek as I hugged Shizuo. "It's so hard..." I mumbled. "I know..." Shizuo spoke calmly, rubbing my back. I let go and grabbed the box. "Do you want to go see her with me? It's been awhile for you." I urged. I've been trying to stay strong for Selena, but I need Shizuo's help. He sighed and patted my head. "Of course." He replied. I gave a weak smile and headed to the door, with Shizuo behind me. He opened the door for me and we headed to Selena's house.

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: The Walking Dead Season 8, Riverdale Season 2, and Stranger Things Season 2~

Still Reader's POV

We arrived at Selena's house. I pulled out the key I had to her house and opened the door. Shizuo and I walked in and started to head for her room. "Selena, It's me!" I called, as I carried the box into her room. I looked and saw her face first on the floor, next to her bed. I dropped the box in horror and ran to her. I gently rolled her over, onto my lap. "Selena! Selena! Please wake up!" I begged, shaking her. Shizuo pulled out his phone to call an ambulance. Selena barely opened her eyes. "(Y-Y/N).... I-It's... Ok-kay..." She stuttered. But, it wasn't okay. Shizuo walked over and kneeled down next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder, and a hand on Selena's cold hand. Tears streamed down my face. "D-Don't leave me!" I sobbed, gently pulling her closer. We sat like that until the ambulance arrived. They put Selena, who was barely conscious, on a gurney, and pushed her into the back of the ambulance. Shizuo and I followed. I held Selena's hand, while Shizuo held mine. The paramedics did some stuff to trie to help Selena. All was in vain, because right when we go to the hospital... She flatlined. I held my hand over my mouth and pushed my way out of the ambulance. I screamed and fell on the ground, crying. Shizuo ran over to me and pulled me into his chest, on the ground. Other people outside, stared. Some with strange looks, others with sympathy. I didn't know what happened next, because I passed out in Shizuo's arms.

Shizuo's POV

Right when (Y/N) passed out, I picked her up and carried her back over to the paramedics. They offered to give her a room with a bed to lay on. I thanked them and set her down in the ambulance. I pulled out my phone and called Derrin. "Hello?" I heard him say. "Hey, get down to the hospital as soon as you can." I said, bluntly. "What happened!? Is (Y/N) okay!? Is it Selena!?" He panicked. I heard keys jingling and a door slam. "Selena passed. (Y/N) passed out. She could really use seeing you when she wakes up." I responded. "Alright, I'm on my way." He said before hanging up.

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: My apologies if I have you the feels because I cried writing it~

Derrin's POV

I arrived at the hospital, and ran to the front desk. "Hi, my best friend's cousin just passed and she passed out. I was told to meet her brother here." I said to the lady at the desk, slightly out of breath. "Oh, is her name (Y/N)?" The lady asked. "Yes, ma'am." I replied. She gave me the directions to the room (Y/N) was in and I quickly thanked her, and found my way there. I gently opened the door to the room and saw (Y/N) curled up, sleeping peacefully on the bed. Shizuo was sitting in a chair next to her, but got up when he saw me. He explained to me what happened, and I frowned. It hurt knowing I couldn't be there for her. But, I'm here now. I walked over and moved some hair from her face. I gently kissed her forehead and sat down. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up, rubbing them. "Derrin?" She asked. "Yup." I responded as Shizuo walked over. "Do you remember what happened, (Y/N)?" He questioned. She took a moment to think before slowly bringing her hand to her mouth and crying. I quickly got up and hugged her, to which she hugged back. It's gonna take a while, but she's strong... I'll do anything to help her feel better...

Sorry for the depressing come back, and the lack of Izaya, but you'll see a lot of him next chapter.

Thanks again to BlackWolfPhan for the inspiration/motivation for this chapter, or else I wouldn't have wrote it this fast.

Chapter Dedication: My beautiful aunt/best friend Sara... May she rest in peace... We love you~!

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