Chapter 5: Stupid love bites and stupid fleas

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Reader's POV

I woke up on the couch, next to a sleeping Shizuo. Well then... Looks like somebody forgot they have work today... I thought as I sat up and stared at him. I shook him softly. Nothing. I shook him harder. Nothing. I pushed him off the couch. "(Y/N), whyyy?" He groaned, getting up. "Oh, I don't know... Maybe you have a fucking job!" I said, shooing him off to get ready. I went to my own room and picked up my phone from the ground. I remembered yesterday evening's events. I blushed, pressing the call button of Derrin's contact. "Hello?" Derrin asked through the phone. "Hey, Der-bear. Sorry I missed your call yesterday. I didn't mean it if you got worried. I'll tell you the details on a run today. Sound good?" I asked, grabbing a (F/C) tank top and some (Black or White) shorts. "Sure. Sounds fun." Derrin replied. "Okay, good. Meet me at the park in about an hour. See you then~!" I chimed. "Okay, bye~." Derrin said before hanging up. I put my phone on my bed before grabbing some socks and a (Black or White) sports bra. I got changed into the outfit and put on my running shoes. I grabbed my phone and left my room to head to the bathroom when Shizuo stopped me. "Hey, I'm gonna go." He said. "Okay, bye~!" I replied, hugging him, and kissing him on the cheek. I went into the bathroom and did my morning routine. I brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, put on mascara, and put my hair into a ponytail (if you can). Right before I left the bathroom, I caught a glimpse of something on my neck. NononononononoNO!!! There, on my neck, was a 'love bite'. I groaned and quickly put some concealer over it before leaving the bathroom. I headed to the kitchen and made some quick toast. Then, I filled a water bottle with ice and water. I ate my toast and walked towards the door. I made sure I had my keys and left the apartment. I pulled out my phone and texted Shizuo:

(Y/N): Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I won't be home for a bit. I'm going jogging (with some sprints in there too, maybe) with Derrin. >.<

Shizuo: Okay, sounds good :). Keep your phone on you and DONT LET THAT FLEA COME NEAR YOU, IF YOU SEE HIM!!!

(Y/N): I won't, I won't. See you when you get home, mom~! XD

Shizuo: Whatever -_-

I slightly laughed to myself as I neared the park. I put my phone away and walked to a bench. Not too long after, Derrin walked up. "Hey, Der-bear." I said, standing up and hugging him. "Hey, (N/N)." He replied, hugging back. I let go and grabbed his hand. "Let's gooo~!" I cheered, dragging him with me onto the sidewalk. "So, about why I didn't answer back yesterday. Izaya got into the apartment... He was flirting and kept hugging me. He started kissing my neck and when I tried to get away, he pinned me against the wall. He kept kissing me. I was just stupid enough to kiss back. He tried to put his hands up my shirt but I begged him to stop. He wanted to keep going, but Shizuo got home so he left. Thank goodness Shizuo didn't see him though. I also got a stupid-ass 'love bite'. I'm so sorry." I explained. Derrin looked really tense after I finished talking. "No. Don't be sorry. He's the one who took advantage of you." Derrin said, staring at the ground as we jogged. That's when I thought I saw a familiar face from not too far away. I shook my head. No... It can't be... After all this time, why now?...... As we got closer, these thoughts raced through my mind. Then, when we were close enough to see, I jumped into the nearest alley. Lucas........ Derrin walked in the alley and gave me a questioning look. "You didn't see him?" I asked, hitting my head against the wall. "Hey, stop doing that. No, I don't think I saw whoever you're talking about." Derrin replied, putting his hand on the back of my head so it won't hit the wall again. "It's... I-it's... Lucas..." I stuttered. Derrin's eyes widened. "Let's go." He said, holding my hand and dragging me out of the alley. "Derrin, what are you doing." I asked, nervously. "It'll be okay. Just trust me and follow my lead." Derrin replied. I know better than that. Whenever Derrin says that, I should always be worried. Derrin walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Oh boy, here we go...

Derrin's POV

When I saw (Y/N) scared like that, I knew I had to do something. As we started walking down the way where Lucas was, I wrapped my arms around (Y/N) from behind. I hesitated before starting to kiss her neck. I heard her gasp a little which made me laugh. I slightly Looked up, without moving my head and saw Lucas with........ Her.... Kami. They were looking right at us. (Y/N) started giggling as I nuzzled my head into her neck more. I couldn't possibly be more happy, having this moment with the secret love of my life. I let go soon after we past them. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw (Y/N)'s bright red face. After awhile, she finally calmed down. We reached the park and I pulled her to a bench. "I can't believe that asshole and that backstabbing bitch were here. No, (Y/N) stop. You're better than this." (Y/N) scolded herself. "Hey, at least you're right." I said, hoping to make her feel at least a little better. "Now now, (Y/N)~. What's with the language~?" Izaya asked, walking up out of nowhere. "Aw fuck me. Just when I thought this couldn't get any worse." (Y/N) groaned, throwing her head back. I scooted closer to (Y/N), protectively. After what he did to her the day before, he thinks he could walk up to her like it didn't happen?... "What do you want?" I questioned, coldly. "Can I please talk to (Y/N)-chan, alone?" He asked. I looked at (Y/N) for approval. She reluctantly nodded before standing up and following him. I sighed. Stay safe...

Reader's POV

I couldn't help but wonder what Izaya could possibly want as I followed him deeper into the park. "I know don't like me, (Y/N)-chan. I'm used to it. But, that doesn't mean I'll stop loving you and all my humans." Izaya stated out of nowhere. "See, I don't really know what you just said. You say you love all humans the same, yet you don't seem to care for any. You just toy with there emotions and watch their reactions. I know there's 'more to it than that', but frankly, I don't care. I don't need love from you. Heck, I don't even truly know what love is after you came along into my life. You confuse me. You don't make any sense to me. Even so, I also feel like I know you so well because of it. Why do you mess with me the most of all people?" I asked. "You are right. You have your points, (Y/N)-chan. I have been messing with you a lot. You interest me. You can express so many different emotions in one expression. There's your answer. Now, can you answer one of my questions~?" Izaya replied/asked. "Whatever." I mumbled. He had me deep in thought. I never thought of myself the way he explained. "You know, it makes me curious not knowing what's behind your some of your actions. Can you tell me why you were about to cry yesterday?" He asked. My eyes widened and I froze. Izaya stopped walking and turned to look at me. "There are some things that are better left unsaid." I told him, staring at the ground. "I've heard everything, (Y/N)-chan~. It cant be so bad that you can't tell me." Izaya said, walking towards me. "No! You wouldn't understand and just laugh or make fun of me for being such a wimp!" I yelled, looking up at him with tears in my eyes. I ran away before Izaya could say anything. "Hey, what happened?" Derrin asked, concerned as I walked up to him. "I tell you later. I want to go home." I replied, hugging him. He looked surprised at first, but soon, hugged back. He nodded and we walked back home to my apartment.

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