Chapter 14: Christmas Special

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So far it's been a sucky Christmas...
Possibly the worst Christmas ever...
But I figured I owed you guys a Christmas chapter...

Reader's POV

The streets were filled with Christmas spirit, without a doubt. You wouldn't expect this much Christmas spirit in a city like Ikebukuro but it sure as hell was there. It was Christmas Eve and I was walking home from my performance at the cafe. I was in my favorite Christmas outfit and was ready to spend Christmas with my boys. Although Kasuka couldn't show up because of work, I'll still have Shizuo and... Izaya... Dear God, don't tell me he's already there... I picked up my pace, hoping Shizuo didn't freak out that I invited him over... Now I'm thinking that was a bad idea... When I reached the apartment, I walked in to see Shizuo ready to throw a chair at Izaya. "Shizuo, put the chair down! It's Christmas Eve! A time of happiness and spending time together! Can't you just stop fighting for a day?" I asked. Shizuo sighed and put the chair down as Izaya skipped over to me. "Well don't you look as hot as ever~?" Izaya teased making me blush as Shizuo grabbed my arm, pulling me away. "Why did you invite him?" Shizuo growled. "Because it's pretty much Christmas and you both need to put your big boy pants on and make up." I replied, heading to the kitchen to prepare for dinner. Shizuo gets home dinner so I had him start dinner so I could finish it when I got home. "Derrin will be here soon so can you make sure the presents are hidden for tomorrow? I know how impatient he is, so it's best not to let him near them." I laughed. Shizuo nodded and left the room leaving Izaya and I. "Merry early Christmas, Izaya~." I chimed. When I didn't receive a reply, I turned around. Izaya just stood there, looking at me. "When someone says something to you, it's polite to respond ya know." I said, crossing my arms. "Why should I? I don't celebrate Christmas." Izaya smirked, walking closer to me. "Oh... well you should've said something." I told him. "I'm sorry~. Let me make it up to you~." He said before kissing me quickly but passionately. I smiled before going back to my dinner preparations.

~Le Time Skip in loving memory of Sara Prieto Schierman: I miss you more than anything~

Still Reader's POV

Dinner was finally finished when I heard a knock on the door. I ran to open it and saw Derrin in his regular attire. "Why aren't you wearing your Christmas uniform? We were supposed to twin!" I wined, crossing my arms and pouting. "But I looked stupid in it!" Derrin complained back, mimicking my moves. I slightly giggled while trying to keep a straight face. "Trust me Der-bear, you sure as hell didn't. You looked adorable." I smiled before walking back to the kitchen with Derrin to set the table. Once I finished, I called everyone in to eat dinner. The look Derrin had on his face when he saw Izaya walk in... it was pretty scary for a face Derrin would make towards someone else. He calmed himself down and I guessed he was trying to act like Izaya wasn't even there as he sat down next to me and immediately started eating without saying a word. Izaya took the spot next to me on the opposite side and Shizuo sat next to Derrin. Everyone began eating and there was slight conversation. Although, it was mostly about the fact that Izaya and I are dating. Why did I think this was a good idea again???

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: This late-ass Christmas chapter~

Still Reader's POV

Once dinner was over, Shizuo headed to sleep in his room while Derrin slept in the guest room and I pulled Izaya to mine. (A/N: Don't be gettin' them dirty thoughts now...) I made sure we went to bed last so the boys wouldn't make a big deal out of Izaya being even near my room. Long story short, Izaya made a lot of dirty jokes but I kept hushing him and cuddling closer to his chest.

~Another Le Time Skip brought to you by: The fact I can't update a freaking Christmas chapter in December and I had to publish it in January wtf am I doing with life???~

Still Reader's POV

I woke up on Christmas morning really excited for the fact that Christmas had finally came. I shook Izaya awake, to which he was grumpy, before running to the guest room and jumping on Derrin. "WAKE UP DER-BEAR, IT'S CHRISTMASSSS!!!" I yelled, pushing him out of the bed, resulting in him pushing me away. Finally, I ran to my heavy sleeping twin and shoved him off the bed to assure he woke up. He got pissed until he realized it was me and groaned, getting up and heading to the living room. I took the presents out of their hiding spots. (A/N: There is a tree, but if there is a Derrin, you don't want to leave the presents in plain sight.) I passed mine to each of them and they passed theirs around too. Before they could start opening them I yelled, "WAIT!!! Someone is missing!" And as I on cue, a knock was heard from the front door. I opened it and greeted Masaomi with a hug. I swear he made the same look Derrin made when he saw Izaya, but just ignored him and focused on the point of us all being together: Christmas. Finally, everyone opened their gifts and there was hugging and d'awww~! It was kawaii except the only love Izaya got was from me, myself, and I. Soon after, everyone was chilling on the couches when Masaomi suddenly asked, "Wait, if Shizuo slept in his room and Derrin slept in the guest room, where the hell did Izaya sleep???"

"Welp.... Gotta blast!"

This Christmas Special was brought to you by: Lazy-ass failure of an Author-chan who failed to update a Christmas chapter at a reasonable time.

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