Chapter 13: We're always in this together

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Reader's POV

I was having so much fun hanging out with Shizuo today. We were going around, into stores and candy shops of all kinds. By this point, I had at least three bags of different varieties of candy, and was practically bouncing off the walls. "(Y/N), I think you should take a break on those..." Shizuo suggested. "Never!" I responded, laughing evilly. We stopped in front of a little cafe that caught our attention with its delicious smell of baked treats and coffee. "I'm craving ze tea!" I told Shizuo with a serious look on my face. "When are you not?" He asked. "Touché." I responded before pulling Shizuo into the tiny cafe. We sat at a booth and picked up menus. I looked at the special and saw a Halloween themed slice of cake. I gasped and looked at Shizuo with wide eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I just realized it's almost Halloween." I replied. Shizuo sighed and shook his head. "Hello, are you ready to order?" A lady asked, coming up to our table with a notepad. "Uh, yeah. Can I have the special and a Chai Tea, please?" I responded/asked. "Of course~! And you, sir?" She smiled. "I'll have the same. Thank you." He said. "Alrighty, no problem guys~! I'll bring that back to you too real soon~!" She chimed before skipping off, back to the kitchen. "Is that how you have to act at your work?" Shizuo asked. "Oho, yeah." I sighed, rolling my eyes. "It's not that different from the way you act around family, including Derrin." Shizuo chuckled. "Wow, Shizuo." I said dramatically. "It's true. Around th-... I mean... how you used to act around the flea was the opposite." Shizuo half-smiled. "Aw, Shizuo. I hope you know that me being with him will not change me. I refuse to let his decisions affect me, okay? You don't have to worry yourself." I assured, patting his arm. He nodded and put on a fake smile. That's when our waitress returned with our orders. I thanked her and immediately dug into my cake.

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: My beautiful aunt Sara fighting cancer out there. I love you~!~

Author-chan's POV

(Y/N) and Derrin had an evening performance at the cafe. Derrin had arrived ten minutes early to set up for their performance. Every time Derrin heard the door open, his stomach sunk. It was when he looked up that he realized it was only a customer. He didn't know how to face (Y/N). They've never fought before and he didn't know how they'd even put on a good performance. They were going to be singing a duet that evening. It may sound really weird and maybe a bit cliché, but when they perform, they are confident because they know they have each other's backs. Where will that confidence go now that we're not talking, or not willing to talk to each other? What will happen when we start the song? Will she choke and freeze? These questions swirled through Derrin's head, distracting him from the fact that the doors to the cafe opened with (Y/N) walking through. He noticed when he finished setting up and saw Selena's office door open and close. He knew it was (Y/N) because she is the only one who goes into Selena's office besides Selena herself. The reason behind that is that (Y/N) and Selena go way back. Well, they are cousins. Selena is a few years older than (Y/N). Growing up, (Y/N) faced many challenges. From kids bullying her because of how her brother was, to her own anger bursts that caused her to cry herself to sleep at night for being so cruel to other people. She couldn't talk to her twin brother about this and didn't feel comfortable talking to her parents about it. Derrin went to a different elementary school and was unaware that this was going on. The only person who was talked to about this was (Y/N)'s cousin Selena, who lived across the street. Selena would always help make her feel better and give her the best advice that you'd think could only be obtained by a therapist or phycologist. After (Y/N) graduated, Selena came to her and her twin brother's new apartment and offered her a job at her new maid cafe. (Y/N) happily obliged and had been working there ever since. Back to the event at hand, Derrin waited with his guitar at the microphone for (Y/N) to come up and join him. After about a minute, (Y/N) exited Selena's office and walked onstage without sparing a single glance to Derrin. Derrin was hurt by this, little knowing that (Y/N) was just as hurt. (Y/N) said a quick introduction of the song to the customers of the cafe before picking up her own guitar and starting the song with Derrin.

"Every brick, and every stone of the world we made will come undone if I..."

Derrin started, waiting for (Y/N) to continue. Instead, she froze and stared into space before quickly putting her guitar down and running off stage and back into Selena's office. Derrin watched in shock before rushing over and knocking on Selena's door. The door opened and Selena pulled Derrin in forcefully before leaving to the stage and apologizing to the audience.

Reader's POV

I held in my tears as I curled in a ball near Selena's desk. Derrin walked over after Selena left. "(Y/N), we need to talk..." He trailed off. "Ya think?" I asked as Derrin sat next to me. "I didn't mean anything I said to you, okay? I was just scared and... maybe a little jealous... that I was loosing you to Izaya. I always told myself I'd protect you and keep you safe from getting hurt by people like him. Still, I shouldn't have interfered with your feelings about him. I'm sorry." Derrin explained, putting and arm around me. "... It's okay, Derrin. I know your heart was in the right place. Yes, you were being a baka, but... I think you learned your lesson. I just don't want to fight with you ever again." I said, hugging Derrin and kissing him on the cheek. "We're always in this together, right?" Derrin laughed. "Forever and always." I smiled before standing up and pulling him back to the stage. "Sorry for the delay, everyone. Now, we're good and ready to perform for you all." I said, picking up my guitar once again. "Love you, Derrin." "Love you too, (Y/N)."

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