Chapter 3

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As I walked to the water fountain, I looked all around me, and everything seemed to be getting darker as I walked. Was I hallucinating?
    I finally got to the water fountain, and stared at the water. The water started to turn a color, only the color was red. Like blood.
    I jumped back, and decided that I couldn't go back into the classroom. I had decided to walk around a bit to make me try and forget the memories of the 5 yr. old girl, black walls, and the water fountain of blood.
     I decided to go to the library which was only a couple feet away from the water fountain. When I walked in and smelled the aroma of new books and coffee, I began to relax a bit. The library seemed to be my home.
    The librarian was sitting at her desk reading, as always, and there were other people inside as well working on projects and staring out the window.
    I started walking toward the book shelves where the fiction section was. I could sure use a good book at this situation I am in right now.
     I made sure to study all of the books and when I made my choice of Outlander, I walked over to the counter to check it out. The librarian didn't look up at me. I made a loud "ahem" and she still was engrossed into her book. "Excuse me, ma'am? I would like to check out this book." And she finally put her book down and glared down at the book. This was very unlike her... She normally was very chatty when you were checking out a book.
     When she checked out the book, I said "thank you" and as she glared at me I saw something unusual, she had what looked like cat eyes.... With the pupil like a cat and everything. I gasped and ran out of the library.
     As I ran, I decided to call my mom. This was really bad and I needed her to come pick me up, quick! When I dialed her number, all I would hear was beeping instead of the dialing sound. It was as if my phone didn't have service.
     I called her again and again, but still just beeps. I just started running. I had to get away from the school. As I ran, suddenly, I felt a blow to my head and all I saw was blackness.

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