Chapter 6

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I looked at her and grabbed the knife, she was still smiling with blue eyes, and blond hair.
I looked up at Jess and he smiled down at me, he looked at Joan and said "Hello mother it's nice to see you again. I've brought our next member of the family." He sounded very formal other than how he had been around me. I wondered how their relationship was like, it most definitely wasn't like my mother and I.... I could tell her everything, and it was like she was my best friend. This relationship however sounded more proper.
"Great, let's begin your training!" Joan said looking at me excitedly. "But first, let's explain what you need to know. Come on, let's go into my gallery."
I looked at Jess and he held my hand. I suddenly felt this weird sensation inside me, I felt butterflies in the deep pit of my stomach along with this electrical force that seemed to make us bond together. I looked in his eyes for a split second, then turned to Joan.
She turned around and began walking. "I can give you a tour of the arena later, but for now you need to know the rules of being here. Then, once we get to my gallery we can discuss why your here and any questions that you may have. First rule is, you may not speak of this arena to any host. Sec.."
     I quickly cut her off. "Wow, wow, wow there... What's a host?" I asked.
    "A host is any human or humanoid creature." She defined.
     "So, then, you aren't human?" I asked nervously
     "No. We are the Outcasts."

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