Chapter 25

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     I followed the man with Jess right behind me holding my waist as we walked.
     We got to another room that had a very durable door that had an enormous bolted lock on it, he opened the door, and allowed me to go first.
     The room contained a small chair with sinks in the back and all-white walls.
     "Please, have a seat child. I'm going to set you into your mission. I will be monitoring and you don't have to worry about anything. You'll know what to do there once you get there." The man said.
     He walked behind me and I could hear the sink water running. When he walked back over to me, he had a towel.
     "I need you to smell this, you will then be released into your mission." He said.
     I did as he said and it smelled like salty air and the room faded away... I was in the ocean.

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