Chapter 2

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Mitch's POV

"Kirstie, come on we're going to miss the bus of you don't hurry" I yelled up the stairs. I was at Kirstie's house to pick her up before going to the bus stop like I do every day.

"Don't rush a girl when she's getting ready" Kirstie yelled back.

"Do you want to walk to school?"


"Then hurry"


She ran down the stairs with her bag, grabbed her breakfast which I was holding and ran out the door.

"You coming or what?" She said as I followed.

Our mornings always go like this. I wake up extra early so I can get ready and eat my breakfast before heading to Kirstie's to pic her up for school and as usual she was running late so I made her breakfast and have it ready by the time she comes flying down the stairs. I know very well that I don't have to do it. She tells me every day, but that's what best friends are for.

I'm not exactly popular at school, if anything I'm the complete opposite. Kirstie on the other hand can tend to be somewhat popular. If it wasn't for me she'd be the most popular girl in the school, but she chose to be my friend and not leave me to be popular when we got to high school.

We finally arrived at the bus stop right as the bus pulled up.

"Perfect timing" Kirstie said before getting on the bus and getting our usual seat.

"If I didn't rush you we would've missed the bus"

"Yeah, yeah, you say that every day"

"Because it happens everyday"


"We both know it"


I took out my headphones and plugged them into my phone and played Beyoncé for the bus ride.


"You're going to have to face him eventually, just talk to him,"

"But what if he-"

"No buts, now go" I gave her a little shove. Sometimes she needs it.

Scott's POV

I found Mitch by the lockers, but he was with Kirstie, do they ever leave each other? She finally ran off and he was alone getting my stuff out of his locker. Here's my chance, but I can't just ask him out, that's a little weird. I could ask him to tutor me, I can use the fact the I'm new and not entirely up to speed with everyone else.

"Hey," I said as I approached him


"Can I ask you something?"


"Since I came here in the middle of the year, I'm kinda behind and I was wondering if you could tutor me, and get me up to speed"

"Um, yeah, what day works for you, I have Tuesdays Thursdays and Fridays free"


"Perfect. My place or yours?"

"Can we do yours, my place is a mess right now"

"Awesome, see you at lunch"

"Yeah, see you then"

Why does he have to be so perfect. Maybe talking to Kirstie can help me with this problem. It's not really a problem but it's not great. Mitch is one of my only friends here and I have a crush on him. Why do I have to have a crush on him?

Mitch's POV

"Hey Kirst" I said as I sat at the lunch table next to her.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little stressed"


"I'm tutoring Scott, Tuesdays after school"

"Do you?"

"Not the right time"

"Sorry, it was worth asking"

"It just means that Tuesdays we won't be able to hang at my place"

"Can I join you guys?"

"I don't see why not,"

"Great, nothing changes"

"Well it kinda does,"

"Not really, you trying out for the choir solo?"

"Of course! Are you?"

"Yeah, if we both get it, it'll be kinda like a duet"

"I hope we both do"


"How long does it take you to pour chips into a bowl?" Kirstie said running down the stairs

"Well I was having trouble finding the chips, sorry"

"Come on, we've got homework to do"

"Since when are you excited to do homework?"

"Since my mom said if I finish it I can go on my date at 8:00"

"With who?"

"Jeremy! Will you help me get ready?"

"Of course! Let's get working"

Kirstie's POV

"Which shirt?" I asked Mitch. He is great when it comes to fashion, and I really needed help to look perfect for this date.

"I like the blue one, put it on" Kirstie walked into her bathroom, changed shirts then walked out gracefully "that's the one!"

"You only made me try on 5 tops"

"Well they didn't look right"

I rolled my eyes. He always does that. The outfit has to be perfect. I could try on every combination in my closet to find the perfect one.

"Makeup" he said.

"Can I please do it, I have an idea"

"Alright, I'll wait in your room"

After about fifteen minutes she came out.

"You look absolutely perfect"

"Thank you"

"I'm gonna go, tell me everything tomorrow"

"I will, bye!"

Tonight is going to be perfect and there is nothing that can change that.

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