Chapter 17

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Mitch's POV

"Movie night!" Kirstie yelled as her and Lauren ran into our room and almost tackled me when they jumped on the bed.

"Hey guys" I said through a fit of laughter.

"What movie do you guys want to watch?" Scott asked as he looked through the movies. We carefully watched the screen until Frozen came up.

"Frozen!!!!" The girls and I screamed

"Can we watch the sing along?" I asked. Everyone nodded in agreement and we played the movie.

Scott fell asleep halfway through the movie. We would've been quiet for him, but then Let It Go started playing and we had to sing that pretty loud. Scott woke up halfway through the song and jumped onto the bed with us. For the rest of the song we were singing and giggling. The best part was when Scott pulled me into his lap, until he started to tickle me.

I don't remember watching the end of the movie, I think we all fell asleep. When I woke up, I was in Scott's lap, he was still sleeping. Kirstie was next to me and so was Lauren. I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV before falling back asleep in Scott's embrace.


I woke up to Kirstie and Lauren whispering and giggling. Scott had gotten up and was making our plan for the day.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" he said as he kissed me.

"Ooh can we meet her too?" I asked excitedly

"Of course baby" Scott said making note of that on the plan "do you want to meet all the princesses Mitchie?"

"Yes please"

"We'll have to get you an autograph book for all the princesses to sign"

"There such a thing!?"

"Yes baby. Now get dressed, we want to get there early"

I ran into the bathroom with my clothes and quickly got ready while Scott told the girls our plan. They thought it was a great idea to meet all the princesses.

Scott's POV

We got to the park and walked in. Everything felt so right. Although I had been here many times before, there was something that just felt so special about this time, either the fact that I wasn't with my parents or that I was with my boyfriend and best friend and sister.

We walked into the first gift shop we saw and got Mitch an autograph book and we started to walk around. Anytime we saw a line for a princess we immediately got on it. We stopped for lunch at around 12:30. As we were eating my mom texted me.

Mom: how's your day going?

Scott: great

After we finished lunch we ran to find Anna and Elsa. We got on line with all these little kids and Mitch was acting just like them.

"I'm so excited to meet Anna and Elsa!" Mitch squealed "I had so much fun watching frozen last night"

We we close to the front of the line.

"I can see them" Mitch whispered

Finally it was our turn. We ran up to Anna first and she signed Mitch's book and we got a bunch of pictures. One with just her and Mitch, one group one, and one of her Mitch and I. We then went over to Elsa and did the same thing. The best part was Mitch's smile. He's never been happier. When we got to the hotel that afternoon we flopped on the beds and talked about our day.



"Who was your favorite princess you met today"

"I don't know, but I know who my favorite prince is"


"You, you dummy" he pulled me into a kiss

"You're my favorite princess"

"IM A PRINCESS?" He yelled

"Yes baby. To me, you will always be a princess"

He looked down but I could tell he was blushing.

The rest of that night and that trip was a blur he was so happy the entire time and it made me just as happy, but I kinda missed school and couldn't wait to go back.

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