Chapter 18

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Mitch's POV

We got off the plane and got our bags. I got in the car with Scott's family, Kirstie's mom picked her up. I was sleeping over at Scott's because my mom was having a party and didn't really want me there, which I totally get, but I'm her son and if I wasn't on vacation would she still have had this party?


I walked back to my house and my mom's car wasn't in the driveway or garage. I walked inside and brought my bag into my room and started unpacking. When I walked over to my dresser to put some stuff away there I noticed a small piece of paper with writing on it.

Mitchell, I'm so sorry I have to do this to you but I just can't tell you this face to face. There's a lot going on right now honey and I won't be back for a while, but there is one thing I know. Grab all your stuff and go to Kirstie's or Scott's and stay with them for a while your father's coming soon and I'm worried for you sweetheart. I saw what he did to you last time and I wasn't very happy with it. Go as soon as you can. I love you. Love mom.

I grabbed all my school stuff and ran to Kirstie's.

Kirstie's POV

I've been home for 3 days now and just haven't been feeling well. My mother's has been so wonderful and been taking great care of me.

It was around noon and I was watching tv with a bowl of my mom's chicken soup when the doorbell rang.

"Kirstie, you didn't invite anyone over did you?" My mom yelled as she walked to the door.

"No mama" I responded

She opened the door and I guess we were both surprised. It was Mitch.

We had one more week until school started again. And he had what looked like his school bag. I couldn't really see from my spot on the couch.

"Mitch! Come in!" My mother exclaimed "what brought you here" Mitch broke down in tears in my mom's arms. I put my bowl down and walked over wrapped in my blanket.

"Mitch what's going on?" I asked hoarsely. Mitch looked up and saw me.

"Kirstie, are you sick?" He asked

"No, well, yes, but that doesn't matter right now"

"I shouldn't have come. I should've just gone back to Scott's"

"Mitch, you are always welcome here, no matter what. Now, please tell me what's going on" he broke down crying again, but this time in my arms. After he calmed down a little he pulled a note out of his pocket and handed it to me. "Where did you find this?" I asked after reading the note.

"My dresser. When I was unpacking. When I saw her car wasn't there, I figured she was just out"

"Mitchie, we will do whatever we can to protect you from your father"

"Thank you" he whispered

"Do you want to watch tv with me" he nodded and we sat and watched tv

Mitch's POV

Kirstie is seriously the best friend I could ever ask for. I can't believe she is so willing to drop everything for me, she ignored the fact that she's sick and feels awful because I needed her. She's been doing that ever since the first time I came home to no one.

I walked upstairs to the guest room, which was also my room, and put my stuff down before going into Kirstie's room. I walked into her closet and found my bag hidden in her closet. It had about 10 different tops and three pairs of black skinny jeans. One ripped, one with weird zippers, and one plain pair. I could make endless combinations.

"There's another bag in my mom's closet for when we don't know how long you're staying. It has some special stuff" Kirstie said from the doorway.

I followed her into her mom's closet and opened the other bag. There wasn't much in it except for a small picture.

"I put that there for you" she was about to cry "I put it there so if we can't protect you" she started to cry "you'll never forget"

"I doubt you'll fail to protect me"

"Mitch your dad's after you we can't risk anything. You won't leave this house. And if he does find you we have a place to send you. We could never see each other again"

"Kirstin, I could never let that happen"

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