Chapter 3

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Scott's POV

I thought Tuesday couldn't come any slower and finally it arrived. I couldn't be more nervous going to Mitch's house.

"Follow me to my bus" Mitch said as he walked. I followed close behind. "Here we are, pick a good seat, I need to talk to Kirstie.

5 minutes later he came and sat with me in the seat. During the bus ride we didn't really talk and it was pretty awkward.

We walked into his house. It was cute.

"Head on up to my room, it's the first door on the left. I'm gonna grab some snacks and meet you up there" Mitch said before disappearing into the kitchen.

I headed up the stairs and easily found his room. Within a few minutes he joined me with some snacks.

"Let's get started" he said and we began working.

There was a math problem that I didn't understand. Mitch sat next to me and explained how to solve it. He was writing an example for me and our hands bumped. It was very awkward.

"Do you understand it now?"

"Yeah thanks"

That couldn't have been more awkward.


"Thanks," I said as I left.

"I'll see you tomorrow"

"Yeah, see ya"

I couldn't have embarrassed my self more. I was so awkward the entire time. I'm going to go there every week and embarrass myself. That's one thing I'm good at.

Mitch's POV

I have a crush on Scott.

I called Kirstie for advice.

"Hello?" She answered




"What's up?"



"Now what?"

"What do you mean 'now what?'"

"What do I do now?"

"You can ask him out"

"No, I can do that just yet"

"When did you realize you have a crush on him?"

"When I was helping him with a math problem and our hands bumped. It was awkward and uncomfortable and that's when I realized."

"Did you like it?"



"I can't believe it and now it's all I can think about, I can't even finish my homework. Can you come over? Please"

"I guess I can"

"Thank you so so so so much"

"You are very welcome. See you in a few"

Within 10 minutes she arrived at my house.


"Hey, let's go upstairs. What do you have done?"

"Math and science. I still have English, history, and French"

"French is easy let's do that first. English is reading two pages, and history is 5 questions. Click the play button on the computer"

"Tu parles bien" it said

"Now click the record button and repeat that."

I clicked the button "Tu parles bien"

We did that for the rest of the sentences. Then we moved on to English. Kirstie had me read the entire passage out loud and then discussed it's meaning. Then we did history. She would ask me each question. I would answer it. She would tell me to make it fuller if I needed more information and then she had me write it. This helped me keep from getting distracted.

"Can we do this everyday?" I asked her as she left

"You don't need it"

"But it's helpful"

"Sure. Whatever you want"

She left and I was sitting there awkwardly. I turned on the TV, which I rarely do and watched whatever was on. Luckily my favorite show, sponge bob, was on. I sat there waiting and hoping. Hoping that my mom will come home, and waiting for her. Hoping that my dad will come home, waiting for him. Hoping that they could be in the same room together and not fight. Hoping that they could get along.

"Hello" I heard my dad call.

I turned off the TV.

"Hey you!" He greeted me "where's the girl? Did you ask her out yet?"

"You just missed her. She's my best friend, and she's dating someone else"

I haven't come out to my parents just yet.

"Well I haven't seen her in years"

"Maybe you should come home more often."


I saw my mom's car in the distance. Why today?

"I'm going to go shower." I told my dad before running upstairs. I knew I had to get out of a sticky situation.

"Please wait a couple minutes" 

Oh no, I'm stuck. 

"Hello" my mother called. 

"H-hi" I said, my voice shaky.

"Honey, your dad and I want to talk to you, we promise we won't fight" 

"Alright, whatever" I sat down

"We noticed you don't have many friends, and we are worried."

"I'm fine with that, I have Kirstie and Scott"

"Who is this Scott?"

"He's new"

"Oh, well, if you don't need our help, I'll be going"

"Mom, wait, I need to talk to both of you" 

Did I just say that? Shit. Now I have no choice.

"What is it sweetie?"

"I-well-I um... Why is this so hard!"

"It's okay, take your time"

"I'm gay" I looked up at my dad, I didn't like the look on his face. Before he could say anything I got up and ran out of the house. I didn't know where I was going, it was pouring rain but I couldn't be in that house, the look on his face was too much. All I could do was run.

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