Chapter 5

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Scott's POV

Mitch looks awful. His face has not gotten any better and I can see that it hurts him more. He has been very quiet lately and I feel like I can't do anything about it. I want to ask him out, I really do, but I just don't know how.


I woke up Thursday and decided today is the day. Today is the day I will ask Mitch out. Tomorrow, that's a good day to go on our date, nothing too fancy. Nothing too expensive either. Maybe starbucks after school, and a walk in the park near by. It'll be cold, but we might be able to have a moment. 

I decided to call Kirstie and ask her what she thought about it. 

"Hello?" I groggy Kirstie answered

"Hey, it's Scott"

"Oh hi!"

"I have a little question to ask"

"What is it?"

"So I wanted to ask Mitch out"

"When would the date be?"

I felt like I was talking to his parents

"Tomorrow after school"

"Where Starbucks and the park"

"What would you do?"

"Get something to drink then walk around the park"

"Would you pay?"


"If he didn't have a jacket and was cold would you give him yours?"

"I kinda hope that happens so we can have a moment"

"Go for it"

"Thank you, see you at lunch"

"See ya"

That was way harder than it should've been. It felt like I was talking to his father and it was only Kirstie. 

Mitch's POV

"Kirst, hurry up! We are going to miss the bus!" I yelled up the stairs

"The bus doesn't come for 15 minutes" She said as she walked down fully dressed

"What's up with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're actually dressed and down on time" I handed her the breakfast I had made her.

"Thanks. Well I got a phone call early"


"No one you would know"

"There isn't one of your friends that I don't know"

"Someone I haven't seen in like 5 years"

"Okay, lets go"

"But we've got time"


"Why can't we hang here, it's cold out"

"But it's better to be early than late"

"Ugh fine"

"Especially if the bus comes early"

"I said we could go out now"

"Thank you"

"Did you have breakfast"


"You didn't eat again,"

"But it hurts,"

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