Chapter 12

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Mitch's POV

Flashback (continued)

I tried to run from my father but there was no used. He came up behind me and grabbed my shoulders. He spun me around and punched me in the gut before shoving me into the wall. I fell down and watched him walk out of the house and leave in his car. I slowly got up, finding a dent in the wall. Not entirely knowing how to handle the situation I ran to Kirstie's. I climbed up the tree to get to her balcony. I was about halfway up when my foot slipped and I fell down the tree, causing pain in my left ankle and a gash behind my ear. I climbed up the tree again, very slowly, finally getting to Kirstie.

End of Flashback

I thought about telling them the whole story, but I didn't want it to seem like it was Scott's fault. 

"I don't really remember what happened" I said trying to lie my way out of telling the truth

"Oh, Mitch this is all my fault! I-I kissed you and y-your dad was there and then-" 

"Scott! This isn't your fault!"


"I remember enough to know it wasn't your fault"

"Mitchell, I'll have that man locked away! He can't fucking do that to a child-his child! I absolutely hate seeing you like this, but we promise we will be here for you"

"We will get you whatever you need" Scott added

"Whatever I need?"

"Yes" Kirstie sighed a happy sigh "Anything"

"I just want you guys to still be my friend, even though I'm a fucked up gay faggot who's face is black and blue"

"Mitch, I will be next to you no matter what" Scott held Mitch's hand

"Honey, you know we will always be best friends. We've been best friends since the start of your issues with you father" Kirstie walked over to Mitch's other side. "Forever and always" she whispered. 

"Forever and always" I whispered back

"How long until you can come home?" Scott asked

"In two days"

"Do you want to stay with me?" Kirstie asked "It might be easier than having to deal with your father if he's still home"

"I might want to do that. I mean, I might need some help getting around" 

"You don't need a reason to stay with me. If you want to, feel free to let me know"

"Okay, thanks Kirst, it really means a lot"


I texted Kirstie as I checked out of the hospital. She was coming to pick me up.

"Hi Mitchy!" She exclaimed as she came over to me

"Hi" I responded quietly

"Are you ready to go?"


Kirstie helped me to, and into the car. I will be staying at her house for the next week at the least. 

"Do you need to stop by your house to pick up anything?" She asked

"Uh, yeah, I do. But if my dad is home it's probably best to avoid the situation"

"How about we drive by your house and see if he's there, if he isn't then you can grab what you need and if he is there then we can go back another day. Don't worry about clothes or stuff like that, you basically have a wardrobe at my house"

I nodded silently. We drove to my house and there was an unfamiliar car in the driveway.

"Do you know who's car that is?" Kirstie asked

"No, I don't. My mom could've gotten a new car, but I think I overheard my dad on the phone saying he needed his car serviced. So it could be either parent"

"Do you want to come back later?"

"Yeah, later sounds great"

After about 15 minutes we finally arrived at Kirstie's house. She helped me out of the car and into her house.

"Mom! Mitch and I are home" She yelled up the stairs.

"Do you need me to come down and help??"

"Yeah," She turned to me and quietly asked me "Do you want her to pick up what you need?"

"Sure" I said quietly "I just need my school stuff"

"Why, are you seriously going to go to school tomorrow?"

"I've already missed like 5 days"

"5 days. Big deal!"

"Kirst, I can't miss another day of school. You know how important this is to me"

"Mitch, I know, but don't you think the most important thing should be your health?"

"Yes, but-"

"No buts. Mitch, school should never be more important then your health"

"Are you seriously telling me this?! Kirst, come on! If I recall I had to do a lot of persuasion to get you to go home when we both knew you were sick!"

"That is completely different"

"Oh really, because I remember giving you the same exact speech the other day. Tell me how that's different"

"Are we really fighting about this?"


"Are we really fighting about this? Mitch, do whatever you want. Go to school tomorrow if that is what you really want, or think about what I said and don't go to school tomorrow, its up to you. I really shouldn't be influencing your decision like this, I'm sorry. I just want what's best for you"

"Kirstie, I agree. I just don't want my number of absence from school to effect anything major. I think I can get around well enough and if I wake up tomorrow and don't feel comfortable going to school, then I won't. But for now, I want to be prepared incase I do want to go to school tomorrow"

"Okay, I understand. I'll let my mom know to get your school stuff so you can go to school tomorrow if you want to"

"Thank you, kirst, and thank you for letting me stay here. It really means a lot"

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