Chapter 11

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Kirstie's POV

I sat in the hospital waiting room worried for my best friend. I texted Scott and he said he'd be here in a minute and he hasn't arrived yet. He said he had some idea what happened to Mitch.

I couldn't have been more worried. Something happened to my best friend and obviously he ran to me for help. I did the right thing by bringing him to the hospital. I can't even explain how bad it was when I saw him. Or how hard it was when I grabbed him and as soon as I did he went completely limp in my arms. It's scary.

"I'm here any news?" Scott asked as he sat next to me

"Nothing yet. Do you have any idea how it happened?"

"Actually I do. His dad was home"

"No. Not good"

"I know. But he invited me over and didn't tell me his father was home. When I walked in I gave him a quick peck on the lips before fully entering the house and his dad saw. His dad was furious. Mitch told me to leave. It took him a while to convince me, but his father probably was going to hurt one of us and he didn't want it to be me"

"I hate his dad. I always have. His dad was the reason he was left alone the first time, I've never liked him"

"Family of Mitchell Grassi?" A nurse called

"That's us" I said getting up

"He's not in very good condition. He was beaten up pretty badly"

"Will he be okay?"

"I believe so. He had a gash behind his ear which we stitched up, a fractured ankle, and his back is bruised pretty badly"

We approached the hospital room that Mitch was staying in and, honestly I was a little nervous to go in there. He's my best friend and, yeah I've taken care of him most of his life, but still I've never seen him like this before. When his parents are home, even if it's just one of them he'll say he ate and that he had to do homework then climb out the window and come over to my house. He never had to actually deal with his parents until this year, when they didn't give him a chance.

"You should go in first" Scott said interrupting my thoughts

"I guess I should, but can you please come with me?"


I walked into the room with Scott close behind.

"Kirstie! Scott!" The small boy said weakly as he tried to sit up.

"Mitch!" We both said softly as we slowly entered the room and sitting down in seats around him.

"How do you always let your father do stuff like this to you? I hate him so fucking much. The stuff he can get away with. He does all this to you without caring and he claims you are HIS son but he is never there for you. He beats you up when he doesn't like what you're doing and leaves you alone. He's the one that left you in the first place and-"

"Kirst," Mitch cut me off "please" I felt the tears welling up. "Kirst, look at me" Mitch said softly "I'm going to be okay. I promise. And no matter what happens. I will always come to you. You mean so much to me, that's why I came to you in the first place"

"I know Mitchie, I know"

I looked over at Scott who hadn't said anything. He wasn't looking very good either.

"Scott are you okay?" I asked concerned for my friend

"It's all my fault. All of it. If I just stayed. I should be in Mitch's position. I did this to him. How did I let this happen Mitch?? How could I let this happen?" Tears started flowing down Scott's cheeks as he looked at the small boy. I understand how he feels, some things happen and you can't prevent it from happening and you feel like it is all your fault.

"Scotty?" Mitch asked


"Can you come here" Scott walked over to Mitch and Mitch grabbed his hand "closer" he said softly before the two men kissed "I love you Scott. Don't forget that"

Scott walked back over to the place he was sitting and it looked like he felt better.

"Mitch?" I asked quietly "What exactly happened?"

"Oh, I forgot I didn't tell you..."


Mitch's POV

I heard the soft knock on the front door. I opened it to find Scott waiting for me with flowers.

"Hey babe" I said softly giving him a quick peck on the lips, not realizing my dad had come downstairs.

I turned around to find a vase to put the gorgeous flowers in. My dad was fuming at the sight of me with Scott. I quickly filled the vase with water and put the flowers in it. Scott came over to me wrapping his arms around my small waist as I place the flowers at the center of the kitchen table.

"Do you like the flowers?" He asked

"I love them" I respond "just as much as I love you"

I heard heavy foot steps coming closer to us. I turned around to see my dad.

"Scott, run" I whispered


"Just go, please"

"But I don't want you to get hurt"

"Please Scott go"

Scott quickly left leaving me alone with my father.


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