Chapter 9

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Mitch's POV

I sat in my room trying to finish my schoolwork from Friday along with my weekend homework. I had to write an essay on the hardest thing I've had to deal with. I wanted to write about my family so badly, but for some reason I just couldn't write the essay. I stared at the paper trying to figure out how to start. After about 20 minutes I called Kirstie completely panicked.

"Hello?" A groggy Kirstie answered


"It's midnight. How are you so awake?"

"The essay"


"I can't write it"

"What do you mean?"

"I've been staring at the page for 20 minutes and I got nothing"

"Mitch, honey, you need to go to sleep"

"The essay"

"Do you want me to come over and help you write it?"

"Yeah. Sleepover?"


Kirstie's POV

Within 10 minutes I arrived at Mitch's house.

"This essay. I somehow can't write about my family. If I get the first sentence I'll be able to write the rest. Any ideas for the intro?"

"You can start with how everyone goes through hard things and expand on that"

"Okay" he typed a lot really fast "this good?"

"Yeah. Mitch why is this so hard for you? You love writing, what happened?"

"I-I don't know, Kirst, I'm broken"

"You're not broken. We can fix it. I promise. How long have you been trying to write this essay?"

"When I got home"

"That was hours ago"

"I would stop and do other work, which took longer than usual and I don't know why"

"Oh, Mitch, I don't know how to help. Try writing the rest of the essay now"

After 40 minutes Mitch finished the essay.

"Was that easier?" I asked

"I don't know. I had to think about it. Like a lot"

"So do a lot of other people. Schoolwork doesn't come that easily to everyone"

"I know, but this is new to me. It started right after..."

Mitch's POV

Should I tell her about the kiss. No one knows about it. I don't know if Scott would want me to tell anyone any way.

"After what? Mitch!! After what??"

"Oh nothing"

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