Chapter 6

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Mitch's POV

I looked into Scott's eyes scared to tell him, but why am I scared? This shouldn't be something that makes me so nervous, yet somehow it does.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" Scott said

"No, I want to."


"So my parents, they don't get along, at all. I think they're divorced but at this point, I don't even know any more. They can be home together and there'll be nonstop yelling or they could be in the master bedroom having sex, but lately it's been mostly yelling. But, that's when they're home. Both of them. They're rarely home if they are. I never know when I'll see them next. Kirstie and her mom are seriously amazing. The disappearing parents started when I was around 8. Kirstie's mom dropped me off and no one was home. I grabbed a change of clothes and stayed the night. Well, the night turned into a week. Then my mom came home. Two weeks later my dad came and they started fighting so I went to Kirstie's. By the age of 10 I was able to be home alone, I practically live alone, until my parents show up. But I doubt that's happening anytime soon"

I felt tears well up in my eyes as those last words came out. I've been so optimistic for 9 years of disappearing parents.

"Aww why?"

"Well they were both here the other day. To talk about my social life. Cause apparently that's something parents who are basically absent in your life can do. And I decided to come out to them. The look on my dad's face. I just couldn't, so I ran. Honestly I didn't know where I was going. I stopped in front of Kirstie's house, which has been my safe place for so many years. The next morning-" I started to cry "The next morning I went home to get my school stuff hoping no one was there, but my dad was, and he, he" I gestured to my face as I sobbed.

Scott's POV

I hugged him tightly as he sobbed. He buried his face in my chest as he sobbed clinging to me, his body violently shaking until he calmed down. His breath was still shaky and his eyes were red. I looked at him, he didn't look good. He was already pretty sick, but minus the red eyes, he still looked worse.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked worried about him

"I feel the same as before. Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure what's a good one?"

"How about The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water"

"I love that movie"

"I'll go get popcorn, I'll be right back"

Mitch's POV

I grabbed two bowls and my favorite popcorn. I tried to pour the popcorn quickly but I ran out and had to go back to the cupboard to grab another bag. As I was walking back something just didn't feel right. All of a sudden my legs couldn't support me anymore and I fainted.

Scott's POV

Mitch had been taking a while, maybe he was getting drinks too. If that was the case, he might need some help carrying all of that into the living room so I went to go help him. As I turned the corner into the kitchen I saw Mitch lying on the floor unconscious. I scooped up his limp body and took him to my house. My parents are both doctors so they should be able to help him, right?

"MOM!! DAD!!" I yelled as I walked into the house "I NEED HELP"

"Honey are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am, but my friend Mitch, he isn't. Please help"

"Take him up to the guest room, and I'll take a look at him"

"Alright" I brought him up to the guest room, then decided he would be better in my room. I then carried him to my room and carefully set him down on my bed.

Kirstie's POV

I went over to Mitch's later that night to check on him and see of he needed anything. I know, from when we were little, that when he gets sick, he loves my mom's chicken soup. So naturally, I went to check on him and see if he wanted any. I have a key, which him, and his mom have given me and my mom, because of times when he is home alone for long periods of time. So I walked right in.

"Hey Mitchie!!" I called

No response. Maybe he was asleep, he can sleep through almost anything when he isn't feeling great. I went to the living room and he wasn't there, but the TV was on, so I turned that off and went to his room. He wasn't there. I didn't know where he could be so I called him. As soon as I called I heard his phone go off. He didn't leave willingly, he would have brought his phone with him, but who would he be with? Did he have any plans? He did! He had a date with Scott! But I thought Scott would be coming over here, unless something happened to Mitch? I decided to call Scott to find out if Mitch is with him, and if he is okay and what is going on.

Scott's POV

"Hello?" I answered my phone

"Hi" Kirstie responded and she sounded panicked

"Are you okay?"


"What's going on?" I was trying to not sound panicked myself worrying about Mitch

"I'm at Mitch's house"

"He's here, he passed out a couple hours ago and my parents, who are both doctors, are taking care of him"

"Oh thank god! I was so worried when I tried calling him and his phone was here. I was coming over to see if he wanted my mom's chicken soup, he normally likes that when he's sick. How is he?"

"I. Don't. Know."

"What do you mean?"

"He hasn't woken up yet, my parents haven't been able to get a sense of what it could be"

"Okay, well please let me know as soon as you know anything"

"I will. I promise. I know how much he means to you"

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