Chapter 7

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Scott's POV

"Scott, honey, come here, he's awake" I walked into the room and he was sitting up in my bed. He looked so cute in my t-shirt which was huge on him. It was nice to see him smiling. He had a small glass of water and honestly, I couldn't have been happier to see him. "I think he'll be spending the night, he isn't well enough to go home and take care of himself"

"That works for me, so what is going on with him?"

"It was his body telling him he needed a break. He would spend late nights doing school work, grocery shopping, and his laundry. I talked with him and he basically lives by himself and that puts a lot of pressure on a high school kid. He has been relying on Kirstie's mother when he really needs it, but he has been putting a lot of pressure on himself, which has weakened his immune system. He also has been asking for Kirstie's mother's chicken soup. You can call her and, if she wants the three of you can have a sleepover here"

I called Kirstie.

"You have new??" She asked when she answered her phone

"He's awake. The stress of him living alone weakened his immune system. He wants your mom's soup and he is staying the night, do you join us?"

"I'll bring the soup and I'd love to sleep over. I'll be there in 20"

"Awesome see you then"

I walked into my room and I sat next to him on the bed.

"Who was that?" he asked


We sat there staring at each other. Mitch's brown eyes were so beautiful. All of a sudden something came over me.

Mitch's POV

Scott leaned in close, and before I knew it, his lip touched mine. I didn't pull away, I didn't even try. We started making out in his bed, and I loved every second of it.

"OH MY GOD!!" Someone exclaimed. I looked up to see it was Kirstie. That couldn't have been more uncomfortable. "I didn't mean to interrupt anything"

"No, no, it was probably for the best, it's not the right time to take it farther" I said

"Uh, yeah" I could tell Scott was uncomfortable "Let's watch a movie!"

"Okay, Mitch what movie do you want to watch?" Kirstie asked

"At my place we were going to watch The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water"

"Then let's watch that"

We went downstairs and Scott and I cuddled on the couch, sharing a bowl of popcorn. I had a giant blanket wrapped around me. I felt so safe and comfortable.


By the time the movie ended the three of us had fallen asleep on the couch. I woke up as the movie ended and saw that Scott and Kirstie were asleep, so I grabbed a blanket for Kirstie and snuggled with Scott under mine.

Scott's POV

I woke up to find the small brunette curled up beside me. I couldn't help but smile. We got through about half of the movie before he fell asleep and and another 20 minutes after before Kirstie and I dozed off as well. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 10:00. I had nothing important to do so I just laid on the couch under the blanket and next to Mitch. He looks so cute when he sleeps.

"Good morning" he greeted me as he opened his eyes

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" I whispered trying not to wake Kirstie

"Better than ever"

"That's amazing Mitchie. How are you feeling?"

"So much better, thanks"

"Does Kirstie like pancakes?"


"Follow me"

We walked into the kitchen and I grabbed the pancake mix.

"Okay, now how do you make pancakes?" I asked

Mitch's POV

I started laughing. "Let mommy teach you how it's done"

"Take it away"

"First of all, the directions should be on the box..."

"Now I feel like an idiot"

"It's okay. Do you have a pan we could use"

"Here" he handed me a pan

"I need a bowl"

"Got one"


"I'll grab them"

"A measuring cup?"

"Here's a few"

"Let's get started"


"Here, you can mix the batter like this" I showed Scott how to mix the pancake batter the way my grandmother had taught me that last time I saw her, when I was 5.

I went to warm up the stove and grease the pan.

"Is this good?" he asked


He started hysterically laughing

"What's so funny?"

"You have some batter on your nose"

"Where" I started rubbing my nose

He took some batter on his finger and wiped it on my nose "There"

I took some too, "I think you have some in your hair" I ran my fingers through his hair

"So do you" he ran his fingers which were covered in batter through my hair.

Half a bowl of batter and a giggle fest later, we were covered in batter along with the kitchen. We stood in the middle of the kitchen and he pressed his forehead against mine.

"We should really make the pancakes" I said

"Why don't you wait a little bit" he said before kissing me. As much as I was enjoying it, I pulled away.

"What was that for?" Scott asked as I walked over to the stove

"Mommy need breakfast"

I started making pancakes when Kirstie walked in.

"What happened in here?" She asked

"I tried to teach Scott how to make pancakes"

"The kitchen is a mess"

"We only have half the batter for food the other half is all over the kitchen and us"

"You guys!" she exclaimed "Scott, when does your mom come home?"


"Great. Mitch you finish breakfast, I'll clean this up, then both of you will show after breakfast, okay?"

"Can we shower together?" Scott asked

"No, I don't want a soap mess everywhere"

"Ugh fine" he said disappointedly

Scott's POV

"Mitchie, those pancakes were amazing, I wish there was more though" I said as we finished

"Well if you hadn't started this" I motioned to the batter all over my face and in my hair "We would have had more"

"Ugh, whatever"

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