Chapter 14

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Scott's POV

I slowly walked up to Mitch's front door and rang the doorbell and an older looking woman answered.

"Hi! You must be Scott. I'm Mitch's mom, Nel. Nice to meet you Scott"

"Nice to meet you too Mrs. Grassi"

"Please call me Nel"

"Um, okay"

We walked into the dining room where Mitch was already sitting.

"Hey babe" I said before giving him a soft kiss and sitting down.

"So Scott, Mitch told me you just moved here"

"Yes, I just moved here a few months ago. I started school in the middle of the year, because my father got this great job offer and he just couldn't turn it down. So we moved on New Years and I started school right after winter break"

"That's great, you were able to adjust pretty fast then"

"Yeah I wouldn't have been able to adjust with out Mitch. I would be a complete mess with out him"

"Aw thanks babe"

"So, how long have you been dating?"

"We just made it official like 20 minutes ago"

"Oh, were you two friends before?"

"Yeah, Mitch was actually my first friend"

"Well, Mitch is pretty amazing"

"He definitely is"

"I'm going to check on dinner it should be ready, you boys just wait here, okay?" She said walking into the kitchen.

"You're doing great Scotty, I think she likes you"

"Thanks. Is it obvious that I'm really nervous?"

"Not at all, like I said you're doing great"


"Yes! You don't need to worry about it"


"Dinner's ready!" Mitch's mom called

"I'll go help her" Mitch said

"No, babe sit, let me" I walked into the kitchen to help Mrs. Grassi bring the food to the dining room.

"Oh Scott, you didn't have to come help me"

"I just thought it might be a lot of food for you to bring in yourself so I wanted to help"

"Well thank you. You can bring those plates in" she pointed to some plates "Oh, and the utensils" I grabbed the plates and utensils and brought them into the dining room. Giving Mitch and his mother their plates before my own.

Mitch's POV

Dinner went great. Scott was so sweet and my mom seemed to like him.

"Thanks for dinner Mom, it was great. Scott and I are going to be in my room if you need us" 

"Okay sweetheart, I'll call you guys for desert"

"Thank you Mrs. Grassi dinner was really wonderful-"

"Scott! Hurry up"

"Sorry Mrs. Grassi, I need to go"

"Please call me Mrs. Grassi, and thank you Scott."


"Do you have to go?" I whined 

"I have a big day tomorrow"

"Oh really, can you tell me what it is?"

"Nope. It's a surprise, just be ready at 12 and make sure you have eaten"

"We're not gonna have lunch together?"



"What I have planned is all day"

"Ugh fine I'll eat before, you're lucky I love you"

"I love you too" I gave him a quick peck before he left.

Scott's POV

I need to plan the perfect date for Mitch. I really need to do something nice since I'm the reason he is on crutches, even though he says it's not my fault, I still feel like it is. 

I have everything planned out. I'm going to borrow my sister Lauren's car, I already got permission from her and my parents. I am going to pick up Mitch and take him to see Wicked and then take him back to my house and with make him dinner. I'll have everything perfectly set up. It will be a candle lit dinner and I will make a puff pastry pizza. Then after dinner I will take him for ice cream and then bring him home. 

Mitch's POV

I set an alarm for 10 am. I tend to sleep late on the weekends and wanted plenty of time to get ready. 

I woke up to my alarm blaring at 10. I quickly got out of bed and took a shower. I got dressed and ready in an hour and ate lunch and finished just as the doorbell rang. 


"Hey Mitchy, did you eat lunch"

"Yes, I ate lunch"

"Great. My sister let me borrow her car and we've got a long car ride ahead of us and we don't want to be late"

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. All of today will be a surprise, just wait"

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