Chapter 16

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Mitch's POV

I sent my mom a quick text before heading over to Kirstie's. As soon as she opened the door I broke down in her arms. After sobbing for a good 5-10 minutes we went up to her room.

"Mitch, what's going on" she asked concerned

"M-my mom. She's back after so long" I started to cry again " and she's taking care of me and she needs to know where I am at all times or she calls me completely panicked and..." Kirstie came over to me and wrapped me in a big hug.

"Mitch, we all knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. I know it feels weird and you're not used to having someone keeping track of you and taking care of you, but think of this as a good thing. Your mother came for a reason. Maybe she found a stable job, that would be great, wouldn't it. Mitch, did she say how long she's staying?"

"I can't remember, but I think she said she's staying for a while"

"Mitch, this can be a very good thing. Go home and spend time with her, while she's here"

I went home and spent the rest of the day with my mom.

The next few weeks were amazing. My mom and I were closer than ever and for once I had someone always on my side and someone to take care of me.

Spring break rolled around and I was super excited. Scott's family was going to Disney World in Orlando, Florida and they were taking me and Kirst with them.

I had never gotten the chance to go to Disney World and was ecstatic. We were sitting in the airport waiting for the plane and coming up with a plan.

"Is there anyplace you don't want to go?" Scott asked

"No" Kirstie and I said in unison

"Okay. Is there anything you really want to do"

"I want to meet Anna and Elsa" I said

"Okay" Scott wrote that down "anything else"

"Lunch in Epcot going around to each place and having a little something from each country" Kirst suggested

"I like that" I squealed

"Flight 164 to Orlando, Florida is boarding now" someone said over the intercom. We got up with our bags and boarded the plane. Scott, Kirst, and I were all in one row and Scott's parents and sister were in the other right behind us.

Scott's POV

We got off the plane and grabbed our bags before heading to the line and waited for a bus to take us to the hotel.

When we arrived at the hotel and my parents checked all of us in. We got in the elevator and went up to the 5th floor.

"Okay, Scott and Mitch, these are your room keys. You are in room 517. Kirstie, you and Lauren will share a room. You girls are in room 515 which is connected to 517 where the boys are so you kids can hang out. We are in room 520 right down the hall. You can charge anything to the room and go wherever you want. This trip is all about you. Now go have fun and I don't want to see you until dinner tonight, be in the lobby by 7:30. Now go!" Mom said before walking to her room with dad.

We opened our door and went into the room. The first thing we did was open the door so we could go into the girls room and they did the same. We then unpacked. Mitch was looking at stuff about the resort we were staying at.

"Ooh there's a pool!" He screamed "can we go? Pleeeeeeease"

"Yes. Once we finish unpacking"

"Okay!" Mitch ran to unpack then into the girls room to tell them we were going to the pool until 6 so we could come back and shower and get ready.

We quickly changed into our bathing suits before heading to the pool. Once we got there Mitch ran into the water.

"Scotty!" He called "come join me"

"I have to get towels"

"But I want to swim with you"

"You can swim with me once I get is towels"

"How long will that take?"

"Not long baby. Give me 5 minutes"


5 minutes later I was in the water with Mitch on my back.



"We need to get out"


"If we don't get to the room now we'll be late to diner and have to spend the rest of the week with my parents"

"Okay" Mitch swam super fast to get out of the pool "I don't want to do that."

We quickly went to the room showered and got ready and then met my parents for diner.

"Did you boys relax in your room?"

"No, we actually went to the pool"

"Great! One thing for you two. The walls are paper thin. Everyone can hear you. So don't do anything you wouldn't want someone else to hear"

After that we walked into the restaurant to our table and had an amazing dinner and that was only the beginning.

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