Chapter 8

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Mitch's POV

I walked downstairs after my amazing shower to find the kitchen basically sparkling and Kirstie sitting at the table on her phone.

"Hey, Kirst, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Well Scott, I think I love him"

"Mitchie that's great!!"

"No, that's not great"


"Love gets in the way of schoolwork, and then my grades go down, and-"

"I know, and then you don't get into a good school. I get it, but love can make you feel great and make you happy"

"Love is distracting"

"Hey guys. What are you talking about?" Scott asked as he came down

"Nothing" Kirstie and I answered in unison

"Okay, you don't have to tell me, what do you guys wanna do?"

I shrugged

"I'm good with anything what do you wanna do?" Kirstie asked

"Do you wanna go to the park? We can have a picnic and just hang out. It will be a lot of fun" Scott suggested, trying to come up with ideas.

"I think that'll be fun, what do you think Mitch?"

"I'm in"

"What are we going have for lunch?"


"How about pancakes" I joked

"Shut up," Scott said "we both know I can't figure out how to make them on my own"

We all started to laugh hysterically.

"It's true!!" Scott exclaimed making us laugh harder.

"Well let's make sandwiches then. What do you want to put on the sandwich?"

"I don't know, sandwich stuff"

"That could be a lot of things, be more specific"

"Well what are you putting on yours?"

"I'm putting ham and cheese on mine. What about you Mitch?"


"I'll do that too then"

"Okay. Can you grab some drinks and a blanket?"

"Yeah" Scott ran off to grab everything else while Mitch and I made the sandwiches.

"So about what you were saying earlier..."


"I understand you find love to be a distraction, but it could be the best thing that could happen to you"

"It can also leave you heartbroken. I'd think you'd know. You throw yourself out there at all these parties almost every weekend. At least every month you end up heartbroken and I need to pick up the pieces"

"So you're saying that Jeremy is just going to break up with me?"

"Not necessarily. It just happens a lot"

"It can also end in marriage and the most amazing life you could live. When you are with the person you love you are a better you"

"I don't have time for that. School is my first priority"

"Alright. Just don't do what you did last time"

"What do you mean 'last time' there was no last time"





"Really, Mitch. You don't remember Travis. From camp?"

"Oh! That Travis. What about him"

Kirstie's mom is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She has opened her arms to me whenever I need something. She even sent me to a sleep away camp with Kirstie for a week.

"You don't remember. He kissed you and then you just stopped talking to him and completely ignored him. He was heartbroken and you were just you. Robot. Didn't feel a thing. Left the poor guy stranded, broken, deserted"

"Kirst, I get it. I know what I did. He lived across the country. I would've spent all my time talking to him instead of schoolwork so I had to end it and that was the only way I knew how"

"At least say something when you 'break up' with someone next time okay?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever"

"Mitch! I'm being serious! You can't just do that to someone! Especially someone that loves or loved you!"

"It's my life! I make my own decisions!"

"Fine. I was just trying to help. I didn't want you to go all robot on Scott"

"I won't! There's nothing going on between us! We're just friends"

I turned around to see Scott standing there.

Scott's POV

So that's what he thought of me. A friend. Those words hurt. I pretended that I didn't hear him, but we all knew I did.

"Hey Scott, can I talk to you?" Mitch asked quietly when we arrived at the park

"Sure" I replied coldly

We walked over to a nearby tree.

"About what I said to Kirstie..."

"What about it? I thought there was something going on between us. I thought there was something there. Was I wrong? I'm always wrong about these things. This is how I lost all my friends at my old school"

"Scott. There was something. It's just that..."

"Just that what? That you don't like me? You were just forced to hangout with me and don't want to?"

"No. Would you just let me finish?!"


"I'm not good when it comes to relationships. School has always been my first priority. Every time I get close to entering a relationship I freak out. It could be trigger by a kiss even. I totally abandon the person even as a friend and Kirstie keeps warning me about it. She calls me robot for a reason. I'm basically emotionless when it comes to other people. I just said that to her to get her off my case. I didn't want you to hear it"

"But do you feel that way?"

"I don't know. I''m scared that we will begin a relationship and I will have a 'freak out' and loose you as a friend. I will hate myself forever if I would do that"

"Then just enjoy the relationship and let it happen"

"But my schoolwork will suffer"

"How do you know? Have you ever been in a relationship?"



"But I know myself. I'll daydream about you in class instead of paying attention. Spend all the time I would be spending on homework on the phone with you. I won't study or sleep. I will be a complete disaster"

"What if it could be a good thing?"

"There is no way it could be a good thing"

"How would you know if you never tried?" He leaned in and kissed me. I wanted to back away. I wanted to run. But I didn't. I stayed. I kissed back. I let it happen. I let love happen.

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