Chapter 19

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Mitch's POV

Scott came over to Kirstie's where I had been hiding for about a week. Kirstie would bring him when she came home from school and he'd come by on the weekends. During the walk from his house to Kirstie's he passes by my house and he's been checking on it.

"Anything new?" I asked when he walked in

"Nope. You know I'd run in here if there was"

"I know but I still wanted to ask"

"I miss you at school" he sat down next to me

"I miss being at school, and outside"

I sat in Scott's arms staring at the tv screen as the same movie played for what felt like the 100th time this week.

Like everyday, it was that time where Scott had to go home and Kirstie and I had to go to bed.


Kirstie and I were eating lunch on Saturday when the door flew open and Scott came running in.

"Scott, what's going on?" Kirstie asked panicked

"Mitch. Dad. Driveway. I ran"

"Scott calm down, what's going on"

"Mitch's dad is back and he might've saw me so I ran" right after Scott explained what happened the doorbell rang.

"Mitch go to your hiding place!" Kirstie whisper yelled and I ran into her room and into the secret room in her closet. This is where I always kept my stuff and her clothes always hide the doors.

Kirstie's mom came in and peeked into the little room and saw me before locking the door.

"Is Mitchell here?" I heard my father ask Kirstie

"No, sir, he's not" she responded

"Well then where else could he be? He's not at home"

"I don't know, I think he said he was going grocery shopping"

"He doesn't shop"

"I guess you don't know your son very well"

"Excuse me?"

"I said you don't know your son very well"

"What makes you say that"

"You scare him"

"How so?"

"You beat the poor child" Kirstie's mom stepped in "and I was the one to take care of him. Let me ask you something, when was the last time you actually took care of your son, because as far as I'm concerned I've been taking care of him when he's sick for the past 8 to 11 years"

"I wouldn't have beaten him if it wasn't for that fag" I could tell that comment was directed at Scott

"Leave Scott out of this" Kirstie yelled

"Can I please look to make sure my son's not here"

"Why I already said he's not!"

"Just let me look you little bitch"

"That's no way to talk to a woman!"

"Well if you're hanging out with those fags you're definitely not a woman"

"Stay out of my room!" I heard Kirstie's voice getting closer

"Why should I" I heard things hit the floor and I could just hope that he wasn't hurting Kirstie or her mother. His heavy footsteps seemed to get farther away and Kirstie came in to the little room.

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