Morning for the surprise

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Andy's POV


My eyes creep open as I let out a big yawn. I didn't feel Chloe on my chest as I creeped my hands around my chest. I look to my side seeing Chloe sleeping tightly hugging her pillow. I smile lazily and sit up dragging my own pillow, I swiftly lift her head slowly and slide my pillow under her head.

She mumbles something before excepting the comfort of the pillow. I smile and rub my eyes making the sleep go away. I gently get out of bed and walk to my phone on my dresser. I pick it up and smirk.

'Jinxx: Hey Andy we have warped tour in Raleigh and Sammie is coming, Chloe can come too because we all know how much she loves you!! Meet the band at Jakes house.'

I glance back at Chloe and begin texting back to Jinxx.

'Sure that sounds awesome, she just had a really rough night last night and I'm not sure if I leave her she will be stable. So I'm totally taking her. Alright be there when Chloe wakes up!!'

I send the text and walk out of the room. I swiftly pick up Batty from the floor. He mowed in my ear and sat on my Shoulder blade. I smirk as I felt him tackle my head. I couldn't resist but I giggled as I felt his little teeth bite down on my hair.

I walk into the kitchen getting a respond text from Jinxx.

'Jinxx: Awe! Poor child. But I just thought of the other bands going, there's SWS, Falling in Reverse, PTV, I can't think of the rest but other rock stars are going, so I think Chloe is gunna be talking to allllll the band mates!'

I chuckle and pull out a pan and put it on the burner.

'Oh sweet! Can't wait now! Did you prepose to Sam yet? We talked about this on the tour bus.'

I send it and set down my phone. Suddenly I heard a different ring from another phone. Not mine. I look around and walk to the dinner table and see a white iPhone 4 with a Black Veil Brides cover on the back. I smirk knowing its Chloe's and pick it up. I click the home button and my eyes widened at who's texting her.

"46 missed calls from mom.

73 missed calls from dad?!

45 texts from mom, 65 texts from dad!

34 missed calls from.. Wait what?"

I say looking at the last call. "From... Trent? Who the hell is Trent?" I say confused.

Suddenly a loud yelp comes from behind me. I jolt my head back to see Chloe starring at me in the hallway frame.

"Andy? What are you doing with my phone?" She said rubbing her eyes as she walked over to me.

"Babe you need to deal with your parents." I say showing her phone. She nodded guilt across her face knowing she should be telling them.

Chloe's POV

"Wait... Trent texted me?" I say looking at my phone screen.

I saw Andy's eyes flick with jealously. "Who the hell is Trent?" He said starring right at the screen. I open up my lock code and go to my Messages. Oh my god.. Trent...

I look at all my other texts from my parents then Trent's

"I want you back Chloe. I miss you to death. I'm following you on your twitter. I just want you back in my arms?! WHO THE HELL?!" Andy reads the text over my shoulder clearly angry. "Honey! Trent is my ex boyfriend! I'm guessing he wants me back.." I say sadly looking at the other texts he sent.

"Please. Don't tell me you still love him?" Andy asks sadly. I shake my head furiously. "Hell no!! He cheated on me!! I love you and only you Andy!" I say hugging him close. I feel his arms drape over my waist pulling me closer.

"Guess where we're going." Andy whispers in my ear. Chills went straight down my spine making me shiver feeling that I had only his big shirt on me with my Bat Man underwear.

"Where?" I whisper back letting my head rest on his chest feeling his heart beat. "Warp Tour in Raleigh." He said kissing my cheek. I smile and wrap my arms around the back of his neck. "Really?! Sweet!!" I say happily. His face showed lust and love in his icy blue eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask scratching the back of his neck making my fingers go up his scalp. Feeling his hair between my fingers. I felt him get goosebumps on the back of his neck.

"I just.. I want you.." He says grabbing my waist and kissed my lips.

"Honey not now. We have to get food and get packed." I whisper as his kisses go lower down my neck. I let a little moan out as he gently pushes me to the wall. "Andy... Not now.." I say and kiss his lips hungrily. Suddenly there are large knocks on the door making me jolt.

"Dammit." Andy muttered as he got off me. His face went from pure lust to pure pissed off!! I giggle at his actions as he walks to the front door. Batty mew happily purring against my leg. I happily pick him up and carry him to the front door where I saw Ashely, Jinxx, Jake, CC, and Sammie.

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