A shopping day

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-The next day-

Chloe's POV

I wake up much early with a headache. I rub my temples and yawn. I quickly slip out of bed and take my shirt off and grabbed my sports bra and slid it on. I quickly pulled on a Fall Out Boy shirt and skinny jeans. I better get going soon, gotta get work out clothes other from sports bras. I don't have that much money. Crap. I look through my wallet and sigh. I sit on the bed feeling light headed. Suddenly I feel strong arms wrap around me from behind.

I smile as my head felt my head ache run away feeling the warmth of Andy's arms around me. His chin rested on my shoulder. "Where are you going so fast?" He asked kissing my neck. I giggle as he grazed his lips on my neck. "I wanna go to the mall and get stuff but I'm like broke." I say tossing my wallet on the bed. Andy sighs in my neck. His hot breath rolling on my neck sending chills down my spine.

"We can go together. We can go to get Starbucks and shop a bit till lunch and eat." Andy says. I smile and nod my head.

"Yeah!" I smile. Okay this is the only time I'm gonna eat! Only a little bit. Not a lot. Andy kisses my cheek and rolls off the bed. I giggle at how silly that looked and got up.

I walk to the bathroom mirror as look me up and down. I sigh and brush my hair as Andy gets ready. I begin to curl my bangs to the side making them wavy. I smile and begin with makeup canceler, blush, eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. Andy just starred at me while I started curling my eyelashes with my eyelash curler.

"That looks painful." Andy blurted out as he picked up his black eyeliner.

I giggle and put it down and started to put mascara on. I text Sammi that I'm going to go on a diet but I didn't tell her that I'd eat a lot less just work out. I got a reply that she can work out with me and help me, I happily agree.

Andy is wearing his ACDC black t-shirt and black skinny jeans with converses. He did his hair straight and puffy with his bangs and the top of his head. Not as puffy as he is on stage. I smile and fluff his hair.

"Alright ready to go?" He asked grabbing his keys. I nod my head and grab my phone and shove it in my pocket. He grabbed his phone and held it. He started tapping away on his phone. Okay. Better plan what I'm gunna eat. I sigh and put my converses on and look at Andy.

"Okay first Starbucks. I'm fucking hungry." He said running his hand through his hair. I giggle and he puts his phone away in his pocket. I smile and walk out of the room. Andy following shirt behind. I hear jingles from his keys. We both walk out and he locks the door and we walk to the garage. He presses a button on his key and the garage opens. He walks in and gets in the car, I follow shortly getting in the passenger seat. He starts the car and backs out.

The garage closes and I look around in the car. I see writings on the airbag sign. I look closer and see signatures from the guys. They said some pretty funny stuff. I giggle and turn to Andy. He leans over and kisses my lips. "Love you baby." Andy said low and hoarse as he kissed me again. I smile feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"Love you BatMan." I smirk sticking my tongue out a bit.

He smirks and pulls out of the driveway and drives away while I skip through the music station till I hear a familiar tune. Blink 182 First Date. I turn it up and happily sing.

"In the car I just can't wait! To be on our very first date!!" I say just like the singer. Andy laughs and drives. He puts his sunglasses on as we turn to the sun. I grab my glasses from the glasses holder happily wiggling around in my seat to the song. Andy chuckles at me and continues to cut off people. Watching him do so the people in he car would flip us off. I laughed so hard during this. Suddenly my favorite song came on! Three Days Grace Break. I happily headbang a little and sing really loud. Suddenly all the windows roll down as I sing. I did not mind at all! I sang louder as Andy turned it up. We stopped at a stop light and a man next to me rolled there window down.

"Hey sexy." He said winking at me. Andy turned the music down as it was over and starred at the man. I giggle and smile acting like I cared. Escape the Fate came on.

"Do you see this guy next to me? Yeah he's called MY BOYFRIEND!"I yell and the light turned green and I lift up my middle finger at the shocked man. Andy happily took off leaving him in the dust. I laugh loudly at myself. Andy just smirked as he drove to he mall.

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