Loosing pounds

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Chloe's POV

I run quietly to the garage door as swing it open. I turn the lights on and walk down the wooden stairs to the tool box next to Andy's car. I pick it up and set it on the pin ball table. I throw open the top and ruffle around in the tool box. Finally. I found the thing that haunts me through my days. A sharp razor. I grab the two razors and held my tears back. I keep them in my palms and walk back to the door and turn the light off. I've used to cut when I was much younger. Only because of my school and there was bullies that hurt me. I looked at my wrists that used to have deep cuts on them. But there was no more cause I stopped once I started college. I wipe the tears away from my eyes and walk to the hallway bathroom after turning off the garage lights and closed the door. I locked the door on the bathroom door and starred at my reflection in the mirror. Tears fell from my eyes as I sat on the toilet. I hold the two razor blades in my hand.

"I'm gunna loose weight. Go to the gym. Stop eating. If I don't loose any pounds in a week then."I say and jolt up as I hear a knock on the door.

"Chloe? You there?" I hear Andy's muffled voice from the other side of the door. I quickly pull open the sink cabinet and put the two razors in the very back in my box of tampons. Andy won't find them in there! I close the cabinet and wipe my eyes before I open the door.

Andy's POV

Chloe opens the door after I hear a bunch of rummage. I raise my right eyebrow confused as she didn't exactly look at me. She kinda looked at my chest. "I woke up by the light in our bathroom. And why are you in this one?" I ask confused.

"Oh uh. Nothing really. I was just looking for uh. Oh uh my tampons!" She said smiling. My cheeks blush up.

"I-is it the time of the month?" I ask scratching my head awkwardly. Chloe giggles and shakes her head.

"Just wanna remember where they are that's all." She said and kissed my cheek. I smile in relief. I don't know what id do if she was.

I pull my boxers up noticing her face was red a bit. She looked down at my feet. I tilt my head confused raising up my right eyebrow again. I lift her head up to look at me with my hand. I look into her teal eyes. They looked scared and hurt. I furrow my eyebrows and look at her full of concern.

"W-what's wrong?" I ask wrapping my arms around her. It was still in the middle of the night. "N-nothing...." She says wrapping her arms around me tightly.

"No something's wrong. Here lets get some food ready." I say walking to the kitchen.

"Ah no! I'm okay! I'm not that hungry anyways." She says letting me go as she sat down a chair next to the dinner table. I nod a bit still confused. Why is she acting all weird? Is she hiding something from me?

"Okay." I say grabbing a slice of pizza from the fridge. We got two days ago. Still it's good. I grab two slices and set them on a plate and shove it in the microwave. I lean on the counter starring at her.

I smile formed on her lips and she looked at me. "You where amazing last night. Or uh whatever time it was when we had sex. But you where." I smirk wiggling my eyebrows. Chloe giggles and her face blushed to a deep red.

"You too. I can't imagine that I'm doing it with Andy Biersack my boyfriend." She smiles. I nod my head.

"Well better believe it! Cause this is no dream!" I smile and pull out the steaming pizza slices.

Chloe's POV

I smell the pizza fumes and my stomach growls for the taste of the pizza. "Are you sure you don't want any? I can hear your stomach growling from here babe." Andy says beginning to eat his pizza. I shake my head knowing that will add pounds to me.

"I'm gonna go to sleep. My stomach hurts." I say feeling my stomach growl once more as I stand.

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