Not a really fast morning aye?

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Andy's POV

I hear the loud alarm in the bus making me jump awake. Chloe isn't next to me anymore. I look around at each wall. I slide slowly out of the bed and stretch. I walk to the door and open it. All the cubie curtains are closed meaning everybody is still sleeping. I walk to the door that separates the cubbies from the kitchen and the front. I open it and see Sammie and Chloe sitting in he circle table giggling and laughing.

I hear faint music echoing softly. Eyes on Fire? By Blue Foundation.

"Hey girls." I say walking in. Chloe jumps and turns her head to me as I walk to the kitchen. "Hey babe!" Chloe cheers smiling brightly. I smile back and walk over to her chair. Sammie smiles and waves. "Morning mr Biresack!" She squeaks.

Chloe giggles quietly with Sammie. I raise my eyebrow up confused. "What?" I say confused. Chloe smirks bending her head up to face me above her. "Me and Sam where talking how you last name sounds. It's funny." Chloe giggles out making me chuckle.

"Oh shut up." I whisper leaning over her giving her a peck on her lips. "I know my last name is really weird." I mumble walking off to the kitchen."I love it personally. I mean my name is sooo stupid." Chloe groans continuing to eat a granola bar. Sammie tilts her head, I can see them in the corner of my eye as I dig through the fridge.

"What is your last name?" She asks. I'd like to know too. I kinda forgot?

"It's Pepper. Chloe Pepper." Chloe says sighing heavily. I smirk grabbing the milk and cereal and pouring them into a bowl. "I like that. Chloe Pepper." I say joining in on there conversation. I walk back and look out the window.

"Morning Mr. Biresack we are almost there. Like really close." Chris says looking around on the rode. I nod chewing on my cereal. "Hey we need a V.I.P pass for Chloe like Sam does." I lean down to him. He sighs loudly and nods.

"Maybe she should stay in the hotel." He said pulling right up to a hotel smirking. I jump up and run to Chloe. "Chloe! We're here at the hotel lets wake up the guys!" I whisper in her ear. "Can Sam do it too?!" Chloe said with an adorable voice. Sammie flails her arms around and nods her head pleading. "Yes!" I whisper back and Sam seem to know what and she instantly stood up and ran to the door. We ran too and Sam ran in to the very end of the other door.

Chloe holds up one finger. Two. Three. We all scream covering our ears. I hear Chris join in. We all wake up the band and the fall out of there cubbies.

Chloe's POV

I bust out laughing seeing Ashely basically flop around like a fish. We all bust out laughing except for the poor men on the floor. We are all done laughing and doze off. "Time to get up biiiiiitchs!" Andy says like a surfer dude that makes me giggles.

"God damn you." Ash mutters under his breath as he stands up only in boxers. All of them are in boxers. Great. Surrounded by hot men that I've kissed on the posters in my room. My cheeks brighten up red as I giggle. Andy wraps his arm around me and smirks raising his eyebrow. Typical face of the famous Andy Biresack.

He leans down to my cheek eyeing the boys getting up and ready. "Let's take off first." Andy whispers laying a sweet kiss on my cheek making me giggle. I nod and walk casually into our room and grab my bags. Andy lets out a small chuckle as he takes his pants off. Sense he has no shirt on. I smirk seeing his boxers and walk behind him.

Slowly and swiftly I lift my hand and smack his cheek. He springs up from packing and let's out a scream. I laugh loudly. "You!" He yells turning around with a grin spread across his face. I smirk getting bolder and stand on my tipi tose. "Yeees~? Andy." I say letting my grin go.

We just starred at each other for a while but he makes the first move of tackling my stomach to the bed lifting my shirt up and blowing raspberries on my stomach making me laugh uncontrollably. "Andy! Oh my god stop your killing me!" I yell laughing half of it.

He finally lifts his head from my tummy and smirks at me. I grab his cheeks gently and pull himself up on top of me slowly. His eyes locked on my lips mine on his as we both touch our lips together. I lock my hands behind his neck and lift my leg to curl over his. Our lips move in sync. His tongue asks for an entrance by swiping across my lips. I open them partly and his tongue slides in. As soon as our tongues meet his hand is on the side of my cheek while his other slightly rubs my side.

I feel him smirk in the kiss as he slips in strong arm under my back and flips us over making me giggle. I lay on his warm pale bare chest that has a little fuzz. I smirk and kiss his cheek. "I love you. So damn much." Andy says lowly and hoarse as he looks down at me darlingly with those ice blue eyes.

I smile softly and feel my blush appearing. "I love you, sooo much." I say and kiss his nose. His little smirk appears on his pale pick lips making me smirk. "Alrigh Chloe. Let's go to the hotel first. Pick out the nice beds." Andy says pushing me off like it was nothing. I chuckle. "Can you give me a piggy back ride?" I ask standing up with my bags. Wonder if Batty is aloud to come too?

"Nope. I'm gunna do something once I drop you off at our rooms. CC can give you one!" Andy perks up smiling with his perfect white teeth. I cross my arms. Why is he dodging my questions? Where is he going? Maybe I would make him jealous that he is gunna miss out the fun!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2013 ⏰

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