Chapter 3- Emma

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"Ok, last question Ms. Tulestone," said the police woman.

I had been sitting in a sound-proof room being questioned by her for at least forty-five minutes.

They weren't asking me the questions you hear on crime shows. Just normal questions like, where I went to school, was I happy, did my family treat me well, etc. The only good thing about this situation was that the shock of being wanted for murder had taken my mind of my pounding head.

"Ms. Tulestone, do you know a girl named Ivy Daren?"

I shook my head. "I've never heard of her."

The brown-haired police officer sighed. "Ms. Tulestone, we already have enough evidence to convict you of murder. Lying isn't going to help you. Now, if you tell us the truth, your punishment will be a lot less-"

"I've told you people!" I screamed. "I didn't kill her! What evidence are you talking about?! I didn't do anything!"

Tears were streaming down my face. I had always been the goody-goody-two-shoes. I could barely swat a fly, much less kill someone.

The police lady pulled a photograph out from the inside of her pocket, and slid it across the table so I could see it.

It took me quite some time to grasp what I was looking at. When I finally placed it, I gasped.

"This was at the crime scene." The police woman said in a quiet tone. "It was all that was left of the body. Your finger prints were all over it."

The picture was of a human heart.


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