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13 years later

After all this time running, you decided to join a guild. Running from what? You never knew. All you knew is that you couldn't stay in the same place for too long or it would catch up with you. You were taking a major risk, you had no idea what threat was following you, or if you could handle it when it came. No. You could handle it. You were Y/N Dreyar for goodness sake! You could take on anything! Or so you thought...

You decided to join the guild Fairy Tail. They were supposedly powerful. How powerful? You weren't sure, but you would soon find out. Walking through the streets of Magnolia, you aimed for the proud building right in the centre. It could only be the guild. Your F/C hoodie zipped right up and the hood shadowed your face. People were probably staring at you, not like you cared. After a while you reached the proud doors of the Fairy Tail guild. For some reason you were nervous. You took a deep breathe and grasped the handle, slowly and soundlessly pushing the door open. You inched inside and shut the door behind you, walking toward the bar. Table after table was lined up on either side of an aisle, big enough for several people to walk through in a row. You marched confidently towards the counter and stopped in front of a woman. She had long, silvery white hair which was worn out except for a small piggy tail neare her forehead. She looked up from behind the counter and smiled. "Welcome to Fairy Tail! I haven't seen you around before! What would you like!" She seemed friendly enough. "Erm... I um... Want to join the guild?" You replied, taking in the sound of your voice. After all, you hadn't really needed to talk all that much while travelling. The lady giggled. "Sure! My name is Mira-Jane! I'll get the master right away!" She chirped eagerly back, dashing off to find the master. You held your breathe, silently hoping the master would be friendly. "Hello!" Said a cheery mans voice as Mira-Jane returned. You followed the sound of the voice and noticed a small man. He had a Fairy Tail jacket and slightly joker like hat. "I hear you want to join the guild!" You only nodded. The man laughed. "My name is Makarov Dreyar. But you may call me Master Makarov. Now young lady, what old be your name?" You were startled. "D-did you just say Dreyar?" You questioned the master. "Yes I did. You got a problem with that?" He snapped back. "I-it's just that... Ah never mind. My name is Y/N" you replied anxious to not get into any trouble already.

This time it was the masters turn to be taken aback. You raised your eyebrows, trying to hide the concern on your face. Only then did you realise that you were still wearing your hood, plus your magical mask. So he would never know what you looked like, especially with your face hidden by your F/C hood. The master recovered and cleared his throat. "Well. Why don't you take your hood off for a start. You don't have to hide! We are your family now!" As if. Your family was Elementa. This time Mira-Jane spoke "Where and what colour would you like your guild mark?" She asked. You flicked your hood off and replied "F/C and on my left shoulder." Mira nodded and obeyed. You shoulder now displayed an F/C coloured guild mark. Master Makarov cleared his throat "Oi! Everyone! This is Y/N and she is our newest guild member!" He screamed over the top of all the ruckus in the guild. You spun around and smirked at the sight of everyone frozen mid-fight to take a look at the newest member. All of a sudden a new voice boomed over the silence "Gramps! Did you say Y/N?" The owner of the voice was a tall, muscular man with blond hair, a lightning shaped scar on his right eye and blue eyes. Laxus. "Yes I did Laxus." Confirmed the master. His face all of a sudden turned very downcast. "But it's not her. Someone else who shares her name." The master muttered. Laxus's previously hopeful face joined the masters in an expression of utter sadness. The master heaved a sigh and continued talking when the fighting resumed "I wish it was her too but it's not. I'm sorry. I know how tough it was for you"

The looks on their faces made your stomach churn. It had caught up with you. But only then did you realise what you we truly running from. Your past. You identified the master as your grandfather, and the masters grandson, Laxus, was in fact your brother. Your sadness all bundled up and you struggled to restrain tears. You can't let them see you cry! You told yourself as you shook your head, trying to dispel the sudden emotion that had overcome you. You didn't know why you couldn't reveal yourself. You just didn't feel like it. You considered lifting your magical disguise so you family could gaze upon your true face. There was that word again. Family. They never were your family! They gave up hope! But you still loved them from the bottom of your heart. You suddenly dropped onto your knees and seeped your eyes out. You didn't care that they were looking at you like you were crazy. You struggled to keep your concentration under control. Even if you were crying, you wouldn't let them see your true face. They would recognise you immediately from your scar. But your concentration slipped with each sob, until you finally lost control completely. You felt the magic lift as you stayed there. You were a mess. A snivelling, scared mess. You didn't dare look up, fearing what they might say, but you could already sense that they knew who you truly were. They were probably disgusted. You had kept to yourself that whole time, not bothering to even try and find them. But so had they. You slowly stood up, not lifting your gaze from the floor, feeling your families gaze on you the whole time. Your family. That's what you really were.

After years of denying that fact, you finally let it sink in. They are your family. They love you and you love them. They won't be angry at your choice of keeping to yourself. You stopped snivelling all together as you felt yourself being wrapped in a pair of strong arms. "I thought you we dead" he spoke softly in your ear. "I thought you would have a little more faith than that" you muttered back. Your brother started laughing. You pulled back, looking at him curiously. He just kept laughing. Suddenly he stopped and lifted you up onto his shoulders. He turned and faced the whole guild who were staring at the three of you with obvious confusion. Laxus laughed again before addressing the silent guild "My sister has come home!" He proudly announced. You covered every your face in embarrassment as the whole guild hall erupted in cheers. Laxus carefully lowered you down. Master Makarov called out to the cheering audience "This calls for a celebration!" He called out. More cheering. And the celebrations began. This truly was your home.

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