Another Reunion!?

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The doors behind you slammed open. You slipped Jellal's arms off you and spun around. There stood Erza, Lucy, Gray and Natsu. They all looked ready for a fight. Natsu suddenly yelled out "JELLAL GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE! ITS PAY BACK TIME! YOU MADE ERZA CRY REMEMBER!"
You noticed Erza cringe at that.
"You came with them?" You heard a voice behind you ask. You spun around to see Jellal with a disgusted look on his face. It reminded you of the time he changed when you we children. Jellal stepped around you and glared at your friends.
"You came back I see. Like the new Tower of Heaven? It's much stronger than last time and it has more magic capacity. No matter what, you can't affect it."
You could practically hear the smirk in his words. He hadn't changed at all. You stepped forward.
"Fight me." You said simply.
Jellal turned and raised an eyebrow. Your friends looked terrified.
"Erm. Y/N... You know that even Erza couldn't beat him right? I had to eat a lacrima before I was nearly powerful enough." Natsu gulped.
"Huh! Flame brain admitted he wasn't strong enough!"
"Shut it ice princess!"
"That's what you said right? I heard you!"
"That's not what I was saying!"
"Was too!"
"Was not!"
Typical. They're fighting. You sighed, deciding which magic you would use. You didn't like people finding out that you could use any magic. It made you uncomfortable. You had heard stories of people trying to beat others powers out of them, and you certainly did not want that. You decided on wind magic.
"SHUT IT!" Erza bellowed. "Let's give Y/N a chance. We've never seen her magic have we? She could be REALLY powerful. Although I doubt she could be stronger than me. I mean I am an S-class wizard AND Titania..." She almost whispered the last bit, though with your sensitive dragon slayer hearing, you heard it just fine. I'll show her.

You smirked and faced Jellal. "Fight. Here and now." He instantly returned your smirk
"Fine. But I won't hold back, just because we were friends once." Then he attacked.

Jellal used heavenly body magic to shoot multiple beams of light at you, all of which you easily dodged. You decided to play defensive for now, not that you couldn't knock him out in one hit. Jellal flew up, and hovered a few metres away from you. You stayed like that for a minute until he launched right past you and too your friends, who had sat down to watch the fight. It didn't look like they expected it to last long. Jellal went straight for Lucy and kicked her in the stomach before shooting back to his original position, a few metres away from you, smirking at a winded Lucy. That made you angry. Threatening your friends was one thing, but actually hurting them when he was in a fight with you. That really had your blood boiling. Jellal watched Lucy gasp for air for a little bit more before gaze back to you. He smirked even more at the anger in your eyes. He obviously didn't think you were capable of much.

You closed your eyes, pulling your hood back over your face. After a moment of trying to calm your breath, your E/C eyes snapped back open, with a new fire burning within them. Jellal obviously found this funny, as he started laughing hysterically, making you scowl. You heard a sigh behind you. It was Erza. You heard shuffling, then two feet standing up. She was getting ready to save you. I don't believe it. Jellal was still having a laughing fit. You waited until he calmed and was straightening his body from his hunched laughing position, before raising your left hand, making an 'L' with your thumb and forefinger. You brought your hand up to eye level before shouting your magic spell "Hurricane!" A simple spell, but with your power, affective. The spell would've been very draining for any other wizard, but to you, it didn't even cause a dent in your magic power supply.

Erza's POV
I stood up, ready to save the poor girl who had challenged Jellal. He was currently laughing hysterically. Probably at how hard the Y/N was trying to look scary. I watched her intently as she reached back and pulled her hood over her head. She paused for a moment before raising her left hand. "Hurricane!" She shouted. I waited for her to collapse. That spell was simple, but extremely draining. Nearly all of the users magic power is usually used in that spell. A gust of air whooshed from her hand, becoming bigger and bigger. When I thought it had reached its limit, it kept growing. That's way bigger than the ones I've seen other wizards do! The hurricane kept growing. I glanced at Y/N, waiting for her to collapse any second. But she seemed completely unfazed. The hurricane grew unnaturally large, even for a natural one. It grew and grew until it was 3 times the size as a regular hurricane. Then it hit Jellal. It pulled him into it, spinning him around the strong currents of air. The hurricane then seemed to be closing in on itself. It kept doing this until there was no middle. I glanced back at Y/N. Her hand had closed into a tight fist, her knuckles nearly turning white. She stood like that for a second before releasing the spell completely and letting her hand drop to her side. I looked over for a sign of Jellal. He was just lying on the floor, seemingly unconscious. No way! She knocked him out in one hit! Not even I could do that! I glanced down at Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Happy... Hold on... Happy? He must've been hiding because he was scared. They were all as surprised as I was.

Your POV
I hit Jellal with my spell and knocked him out cold. Then I turned back to my friends to see their surprised faces. I smirked. "What? He wasn't even a challenge!" I smugly told them, pointing over my shoulder at the now unconscious Jellal. They were all fixed in a state of shock for a minute until Erza spoke up. "How do you feel after using that spell? I mean, all the wizards I've seen use it have lost practically all of their magic power. Most of them were quite powerful. So how do you feel?" I shrugged. "I feel normal. Just like I felt when we got here. I could run a marathon!" I chirped. Then I turned and walked towards Jellal. I lightly grabbed his shoulders and shook him. I kept shaking him until one of his eyes slightly opened.
"Y-y/N..." He murmured. I kneeled down next to him.
"Yes Jellal?"
"I-I... Always loved you..."

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