Grand Magic Games - Day 2

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It was the second day of the games. As much as it upset you, your brother got up before you so you couldn't prank him to wake him up like yesterday. Soon, you were in the arena, mingling with other guilds - though they didn't know you were in Fairy Tail as you never told them - and encouraging contestants. Even the Raventail and Sabertooth guilds got some encouragement from you, much to their confusion. Snickering quietly to yourself, you climbed the stairs up to the viewing are designated to Fairy Tail. Opening the door quickly, you greeted the guild.
"Moooorning everyone!" You chirped, stretching out the word 'morning'.
"Ah (Y/N), right on time." The green haired Mage known as Freed stated. "They're just about to start."
As if on cue, Mato the pumpkin man spoke, voice magically amplified.
"Welcome to day 2 of the Grand Magic Games!"

The event was called 'chariot'. Basically, each time chose one person to attempt to run across a moving train. It would be circling around the arena until the last contestant made it to the last carriage. You watched as the teams huddled like yesterday, and each chose a person. Both Fairy Tail B and Sabertooth were still deciding when the other teams competitors stepped forward. When you saw who had volunteered from Fairy Tail A, you audibly sighed, before proceeding to bang your head on the rail in front of you.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid." You muttered, bumping your head as you said each word.
"Um... (Y/N)," called Wendy who had sat next to you again a today. "I don't think that's healthy."
"But look." You complained, gesturing to the idiotic pyro who had volunteered himself. "He's an idiot. He wont last at all. He'll get motion sickness. He's a dragon-slayer for gods sake!"
Natsu had volunteered himself.

"I'm all fired up!" You heard from the middle of the arena. You groaned at the pink-haired mans idiocy. You kept your face covered with your hands, not ready to face the facts. Only when Mato began announcing the competitors did you look up.
"From Sabertooth, Sting Eucliffe!" The pumpkin mascot began. The crowd went wild at the mention of Sabertooth. You stared at the blonde man incredulously. He was a dragon-slayer too. Why had he volunteered?
"From Raventail, Kurohebi! Yuka Suzuki representing Lamia Scale! Representing Blue Pegasus is Ichiya Kotobuki! From Mermaid Heel, Risley Law! From Quatro Cerberus, Bacchus Groh! From Fairy Tail Team B, Gajeel Redfox!"
You face-palmed. Of course that metal-headed idiot had gone after Natsu. He always wanted to prove he was better.
"And finally, from Fairy Tail Team A, Natsu Dragneel!" Mato finished. You didn't really.  Care about the competitors, but Yuka's strangely large eyebrows had you confused. You slumped in your chair, head tilted back. You'd already been put under too much stress, and you weren't even competing.

Soon, a magical train had appeared, and the competitors were lined up on the first cart. The train wouldn't move until the signal was sounded for the event to start. You calmed down slightly, hoping that Natsu volunteered himself because he had a plan. If he got over his motion sickness, then he could definitely win. Your hopes were in vain however, because as soon as the train began to move, all three dragon-slayers hunched over, unable to move due to the unrelenting queasiness they each felt in their stomachs. You scowled, tearing your eyes away from the three idiots desperately crawling over the tops of the carts, and watched the more successful competitors. The 5 were pushing each other, and using their magic to the best of their abilities. You slightly pitied Risley Law from Mermaid Hell, because between you and me she didn't seem very fit. But suddenly, she lost all chubbiness and used gravity magic to sprint along the side of the carts. You laughed, thinking she was going to win, when she was overtaken by a seemingly drunk Bacchus Groh. The race was close, but in the end, Bacchus claimed first for Quatro Cerberus, followed by Kurohebi from Raventail, Risley of Mermaid Heel, Yuka from Lami Scale and Ichiya from Blue Pegasus. Sighing quietly to yourself and slightly disappointed that the real action was over. After a while however, the 3 idiotic dragon-slayers placed, Natsu coming 6th, followed by Gajeel and then Sting. You saw the Sabertooth guild looking absolutely furious, and all their supporters were greatly disappointed. Glad that it was over and done with, you waited for the battles to start.

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