Tenroe Island

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There is kinda a massive time skip cause I can't be bothered to write about the Oracian Seis, or how Laxus was kicked out... except that was before the Tower of Heaven arc... or was it. I can't remember cause I'm nearly finished. I'm near the end of the Tartaros chapters, so don't blame me if the info is wrong and I'm super busy. Just pretend that Laxus was still there during the  Tower Of Heaven arc and left after the fight I wrote about in the last chapter. Also, you are here instead of Cana, and she decided not to leave after Lucy's pestering. So this just after the attack by Grimoire Heart and everyone is recovering and yeah. Enjoy!

Grimoire Heart had just attacked us on our sacred ground Tenroe Island, during our S-Class trials. I, along with everyone else was furious. I was chosen to do the S-Class trials, along with Natsu, Freed, Levy, Juvia, Gray, Elfman and Mest, who neither I, nor anyone else, had really seen before. My partner was Lucy. She had begged me to let her be my partner because she promised Cana she would win, as an actual contestant or a partner. My brother had also shown up, despite getting kicked out of the guild after showing just how little he cared about the guild, after I whooped his ass in our fight... ah, memories.

Everyone was sat in a circle, Natsu and Gray fighting, Gildarts making fun of big bro about getting kicked out for having a temper. I was just sat chatting with everyone else, Mira and Lucy occasionally teasing me about showing a tinse of charisma behind my 'cold, heartless, emotionless mask' as they said. Then Natsu and Gray stood up and threw punches at each other, causing everyone to get up and move away. Erza tried to intervene but got knocked out by a particular, magic enforced punch provided by a sharp-toothed pink-haired man. Then I stepped in to intervene, and knocked them apart with my wind magic. This did the trick and I held them in place despite their constant struggling. I smacked them both over the head, gently of course, and knocked them out. I then dropped them and smirked at them on the floor. Then I walked into the forest while everyone started talking again.

I walked deeper into the forest until I came across a certain area that looked as though someone had poisoned all the plants and animals. I, being the curious person I am, decided to investigate, and followed the trail of destruction. After a while, a came across a small pond, with a man kneeling in front of it, staring at his reflection. I stood there for a moment, before he turned to look at me. Then I bolted. I hadn't made any effort to hide my tracks, or be quiet, so h obviously knew I was there. After a while, a heard a sigh and took that as a chance to sneak a look at the man. You could only see the back of his head. You got annoyed, as you wanted to have a look at his face, he might be hot! (Me every time the back of a new character comes into view in any anime ever.)

Having a look around you to make sure no one followed you, you used a spell to cloak yourself, and make you invisible. Then, you cast another wind spell to make you float slightly above the ground. You then walked up behind the man and carefully walked around the pond, kneeling on the other side, facing him. You stared at his face and smirked. He's adorable! You thought. But he looks so sad... He sighed again. "I know your there. I heard you before." He looked up and met your eyes. Surprised, you stared defiantly back. Until he keeled over, as if in pain. You freaked out and released both spells. You rushed over to him. "Are you ok?! You're in pain! I can help you!" You went to kneel down beside him and place your arm around his shoulders, but he quickly scrambled away, one arm clutching his stomach, the other reached out in front of him in a warning. "No! I'll only hurt you!" He shrieked. Then the black came from his body, and he keeled over once again.

You freaked out. What happened? What is this black stuff? Is that guy ok? Why is on Fairy Tail's sacred island? All these questions ran through your thoughts as you stumbled forward, trying to find the man. You were quickly absorbing this black stuff, so it was a kind of magic. You were absorbing much to much magic energy for such an amount of magic though, so you put the same amount into regrowing the trees and reviving the animals, not caring if anyone else was out there watching you. After a while, the black stuff was gone and the greenery replenished. You heaved a sigh before turning your gaze to the hunched over man. You kneeled in front of him and placed your hand on his shoulders. "Are you alright? Did that stuff effect you in anyway? Do you need help?" All these questions spilled from your mouth, and more. The mans head slowly rose and he met your eyes. Yours widened. Was he crying?

The man looked shocked. "It-it didn't kill you.." he trailed off but you heard it perfectly clearly. You stood up and backed away quickly at first, then you slowed down as you got more distance. You stopped completely when your back hit a tree. "Wha-" your eyes widened, putting two and two together. "A-are you... L-lord Ze-Zeref?" You whispered. "Yes." He simply replied. "And you are special. You didn't die when I got out of control. You can use several magics. You seem more powerful then any other, even though you hide it so well it's unnoticeable. And that's not your real face." You freaked out. But then realised that he was always gonna know something, and calmed down. "Well yeah!" You perked "That's ALL true! And you don't seem like the bad guy that you're always made out to be! Yeah, your magic is hard to control, but you were just crying! No evil, heartless, death lord does that!" You finished. The. You heard the snap of a twig behind you.

You spun around quickly, before seeing a certain ice-princess cringing at his clumsiness and looking terrified. "Alright Gray. Let's make a deal. You don't tell, ANYONE about this, NO MATTER WHAT! And I'll let you live your life carefree!" You quickly blurted out. The ice-wizard nodded, before signalling for you to follow him. You ran after him and saw everyone on Tenroe linking hands in a circle, a giant roar sounding behind them. A great blue and black dragon rampaged through the forest and your guild-mates gave you urgent looks. You and Gray linked hands and joined the circle. "Alright!" Yelled Master Makarov "Everyone put every ounce of magic power that you've got into this! This is life or death!" Everyone nodded and closed their eyes, pouring every ounce of magic power into the circle, you included. Soon everyone is glowing. And then everything went black.

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