Grand Magic Games - Night 2

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Hey guys! This one'll be a little shorter, but be warned, major stuff is about to go down.
You were sat with the rest of your guild, celebrating today's victory. Well, that's what you told yourself. In reality, you were trying to control the people who had gotten themselves drunk, stop Cana and Bacchus's drinking contest, wait for Team Natsu to get back from wherever they had disappeared too, and talk to Evergreen. This was proving to be quite tiring. You watched as, for the fourth time, your brother pretended to be a ballerina. As amusing this was, you were incredibly annoyed at having to tell him over again that 1. He is not a beautiful ballerina, and 2. He never won any competitions for his 'stunning dancing'.

Just as you were about to give up on your entire guild and begin banging your head against the bar, a familiar head of blue hair poked through the tavern door. You met his dark-brown eyes in your own (E/C) ones. It was definately Jellal, though he was still dressed up as Mystogan. He waved for you to come over to him, which you responded to with a flick of your hand, indicating that you needed to look after your guild mates. 'Leave them'. He mouthed. You frowned, scanning their current drunk activities. It didn't seem as though anyone would be hurting themselves anytime soon, and if they did you couldn't be blamed. Sighing, you slid off your bar-stool and followed the former criminal outside.

"What do you want?" You snapped, sounding harsher then you meant. Jellal flinched.
"Why, we haven't met properly." He replied, attempting to sound polite, though you could tell he was nervous. You grabbed his hand, leading him off the busy street. Once you reached an empty alleyway, you turned to face him.
"Give it up." You muttered. "I know it's you Jellal."
He sighed, peeling off his mask, giving you a lop-sided smile.
"Hey." He said rather awkwardly. It had been seven years since you had seen each other, and your last conversation was you yelling at him. You winced slightly at the thought.
"Uh, hey." You replied unsurely. "I'm... I'm sorry about last time. I probably could have handled it a little better."
Jellal chuckled, expelling the awkward tension. "That was seven years ago (Y/N), I had completely forgotten."
"Good. What did you want to talk about?" You asked, remembering that he had called you outside to talk.
"Oh yeah. Why aren't you participating in the games?"
You froze, unsure of how to answer. Jellal knew of your powers. He was the first person you ever trusted after the incident when you were young.
"I uh..." You trailed off.
"You should be in one of the teams. You would literally win everything. You're definately one of the most powerful mages in Fiore." Jellal continued.
"That's going a little far." You whispered, completely embarrassed.
"Not at all! Fairy Tail should've let you participate! It was completely idiotic not too. With your powers, it would guarantee you to win!"
"What powers?" A new voice butted into the conversation. Your eyes widened. This was going to be troublesome.

Jellal turned around, coming face to face with Natsu, and behind him his entire team.
"Her drago-" Before Jellal could finish, you pressed both hands over his mouth, desperately trying to convey the fact that you didn't want them to know. He must've taken the hint, because he didn't try to escape your grip or talk through your hands.
"What?" Lucy asked.
"It would make sense if she had powers." Erza decided. "Remember the tower of heaven? She cast a spell that even a wizard saint would be slightly tired after without a problem. That's no easy feat."
You began freaking out slightly. You dreaded the time that you would tell someone else about your powers. Your past experiences hadn't been all that positive.
"Actually, (Y/N) nearly mentioned something during the games. Something about sensing magic power levels. She seemed surprised that I couldn't. She was going to ask something, but she stopped herself." Wendy observed.
You gritted your teeth. This wasn't going all that well. You released Jellal and pressed your fore-head against his back.
'Help me.' You spoke in his mind.
'You haven't told them?' He replied.
"No guys. I was just saying that she's rather powerful." Jellal covered. Terribly. You face-palmed. He was a terrible liar. Lucy suddenly gasped, looking at you in surprise.
"Your..." She pointed at you. You squeezed your eyes shut. Lucy is smart, she was bound to work out the rest of that sentence. "... A dragon-slayer?" She exclaimed. You grimaced. That was enough for her.
"You are! Why didn't you tell us?" The rest of her group looked surprised, but they understood.
"That's what you were going to say!" Wendy said.
"That's why you have so much magic-power!" Erza realised.
"Wait." Wendy paused, staring at you. "You have wind magic, so that means that Grandeena must have raised you, but she told me I was her only student. So which dragon raised you?"

You stared at them, on the verge of tears. You were having flash-backs from the time you stayed with that lady in the past. You realised that your feelings were showing, and you needed to hide your face, use your masking magic. You knew joining a guild was a bad idea, much less the most powerful guild at the time. You stared at the floor, hunching your back and forcing the tears back. The others went silent.
"Hey," Lucy spoke softly, trying to soothe you. "What's wrong?"
You refused to answer, to move.
"We won't judge you because you didn't tell us." She continued.
"Yeah! Being a dragon-slayer is pretty cool! You guys are pretty rare." Gray attempted to cheer you up.
You snapped your head up, looking at them with an emotionless face, practically a blank canvass.
"I knew I should never have joined a guild." You stated coldly, pushing past the group and walking along the streets. You tucked your hands into the pockets of the purple hoodie Elementa had given you. It grew with you, and you never took it off. A wind was blowing, and the few pedestrians were we rapped in thick coats and scarves. You decided to go out of Crocus, to a river outside to clear your head, calm down a bit. Your reaction to your guild mates finding out wasn't great, even if they didn't know the full extent of what happened. You expected them to be telling the rest of the guild at breakfast the next morning, though you would be gone by then. You would let them keep their memories of you this time, just maybe not your appearance. You always had to wipe the memories of those who met you. You really weren't ready to join a guild.

Just as you were about to exit the gates of Crocus, you heard a soft voice behind you.
"Where are you going?"
You turned. Standing behind you was one of the dragon-slayers from Sabertooth. It was the one with dark hair and red eyes. Rogue, the shadow dragon-slayer.
"That's none of your business." You snapped. He furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't seem like one to get angry easily, but you'd definitely just ticked him off.
"Listen lady." He raised his voice at you. "I don't care what weird things you have going on in your head, but do not speak to like that. You don't know what I've just been through! I saw a Fairy Tail member and thought 'Hey! Fairy Tail helped Yukino, I'll get her to thank those guys for me!'"
"I don't actually care." You mumbled, slightly intimidated by his quick mood change. He did immediately calm down though.
"Sorry." He murmured. You sighed, walking towards the gates once again.
"But where are you going?"
"I already told you. It's none of your business."
"You shouldn't be going out at night by yourself." He advised.
"I can handle myself."
"Sure, you may be Fairy Tail, but your not in the games. You'll get attacked because you're not as strong."
You grit your teeth. How dare he. You whipped around, stomping right up into his face.
"Listen up. I'm probably the strongest in my whole freaking guild! So shut your mouth and leave me alone! You don't know how powerful I am, what I've been through!"
"I killed my dragon. He was practically my dad. How do you think I feel?" Rogue questioned guiltily.
"Oh, boo-hoo. At least you spent more time then 1 year with him! Elementa died when I was 6! Then the other dragons left me to wonder around when I was 9! 9 years old! Do you know what I saw? I saw two dead children, their mother had murdered them both because she wanted my power! So don't you dare talk about what you've been through!" You confessed, completely controlled with unreasonable anger. As soon as you finished your rant, you realised that you had just confessed everything to this man that you'd only just met. His jaw practically hit the floor.
'Crap.' You thought, quickly turning and sprinting away

Haha. Whoops. This isn't short, it's normal length,maybe even a bit longer.

Thanks for reading guys! Follow me for more stories, and live your lives! (Random, I know. I apologise.)


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