Home Again

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It had been a couple of weeks after you had met Jellal again at the Tower Of Heaven. You were happy at first. You had even called your brother on your phone-lacrima (Don't know it that's what you call it) and told him your situation. Then you noticed that he was acting strange. You decided to ask him about it...

Jellal was sitting on his throne at the top of the Tower Of Heaven, and you were perched happily on his lap. Except you weren't happy. Jellal wouldn't let you go back to Fairy Tail. He wouldn't go himself either. Also, you had a feeling that he had already lost interest in you and had his eyes on a certain red-head. You worked up your courage for a while, before taking a deep-breathe and turning to face him. "Jellal." You spoke softly. His dark brown eyes flicked to meet your E/C ones. You took another deep breathe and asked him the question that had been eating away at you for a while.

"Do you still love me?" You muttered, looking down at your hands. Jellal went stiff. "Why do you ask?" He questioned. You looked back up at his face and studied it. You could read people's emotions like a book. He seemed nervous. You scowled and hopped off his lap. He looked surprised. "Y/N! Wha-" He began, but you cut him off. "Sorry Jellal, it was a stupid question." You smiled bitterly. "I already know that you don't. You love Erza, don't you!" You laughed slightly and ran a hand through your hair. "Haha! I was so stupid wasn't I! I believed that someone actually loved me! Of course you don't! I'm too cold-hearted, and secretive and... and... What did I you use to call me? Oh yeah! I'm too much of an outcast!" You laughed again and stared him straight in the eye. "Well. Have fun with the red-head! Mhmm! She's much better then me! In every way I suppose!" You turned for the door before the blue-haired man could stop you. "Guess what! I don't love you anymore either! And the little tomato you adore, oh so much, seems to be just outside this door!" You through open the doors to a very surprised Erza. You turned to face Jellal and called out once more.

"Goodbye! Au Revoir! Sayonara mi amigo! I'll never see you again and I certainly won't miss you!" And with that, you turned on your heel and marched down the steps of the Tower Of Heaven, never to go back.

Jellal's POV
She walked out on me, and all I could do was stare at her retreating back. I should've gone after her and told her that what she said wasn't true, that she was wrong and I still loved her with all my heart. But that would be alive. She was completely right. She had changed since when we had met last, and I just couldn't bring myself to love this new woman as much as I had loved that little girl.

I turned my attention to a certain red-haired wizard who had apparently been standing outside my door. I stared at her for a moment before clearing my throat. "So... What would you like Erza?" She stared at me, making, me feel slightly uncomfortable. "Is what she said true? Do you love me?" She asked suspiciously. I was surprised, but I wouldn't let it show on my face. I wanted Y/N and Erza to be friends, and it would be best if I was not infatuated with either of them if that were to be. I shook my head. "No Erza. I'm afraid she was awfully upset. When people are upset they say crazy things." Erza nodded. "Good. I think its also for the best that we don't have feelings for one-another. My guild may become disappointed that I had become close to a known criminal who threatened our guild." I nodded. "Actually, I just came to retrieve Y/N... But it looks like that was taken care of..."

The room was filled by an awkward silence. I broke it. "Well, please tell her that I am deeply and sincerely sorry and may she live the rest of her life happily and with someone who loves her." I close my eyes and sigh. "Farewell, Erza. Take care." I don't open my eyes but I hear her retreating footsteps and the door closing behind her. Congratulations, I thought, you chased off two girls who liked you. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Maybe I should've stopped with the Tower Of Heaven the first time.

Your POV
I marched down the stairs of the Tower Of Heaven, absolutely fuming. How could Jellal be such a jerk? How could he just sit there, and not tell me how he really felt? How could he let me believe that he loved me? That we had something special? Of course, thats how he's always been. All loving, caring and fun at first, then WHAM! He's turned on you.

Time Skip
Erza caught up to me at the base of the Tower Of Heaven. I turned to her and scowled. "Was he an ass to you too?" I asked her. She shook her head. "No. He was rather pleasant." I scowled even more. "Why don't you take the boat and meet me at the edge of Magnolia." I suggested. She blinked. "Why?" I gave her a look. "After being holed up in that stinkin' tower with that A-hole, I need my freedom." She blinked again. I sighed in annoyance. "I wanna use my magic!" She nodded. "Oh yes, of course. I understand." Then she handed me money and it was my turn to blink. "Umm... What's this for?" She looked at me. "You'll probably get home first. Can you please buy me a strawberry cake! There's this one shop I always buy them from! You should know it, its near the guild and its quite popular." I hesitated before nodding. "Sure..."

And with that you separated again. Erza climbed into the boat while you stood on shore waving her off. When she was out of sight, you took a deep breathe, and focused on travelling to the outskirts of Magnolia, just outside the forest. It didn't take much energy or focus, as you were obviously very skilled. Before you knew it, you were stood looking down at Magnolia.

You had walked into the small cake shop and ordered Erza's strawberry cake. You took the box and began the small trek to the guild. It only took about five minutes. Once you stood outside the guild, you took a deep breath, made sure your magic mask was still working (Why wouldn't it be) and threw open the doors. Everyone stopped talking (*ahem* Fighting *cough cough*. Sorry, something got in my throat...) and stared at you. You stared defiantly back and tried to look as intimidating as you could with a strawberry cake box in your arms. You then threw the cake and kept it suspended in the air with wind magic. You then threw your arms in the air and yelled as loudly as you could. "I'M BACK SUCKAS!!!" You then caught the cake and walked back out the guild.

It took your guild-mates a second to realise what happened, but pretty soon you heard loud laughter from inside the guild. You smiled slightly yourself, before completely wiping your face of emotion and walking back inside. You sta by the bar and placed the cake on the table. "Save this for Erza please Mira-Jane." The said woman nodded and smiled at you as she took the cake. As she walked to put it away, she called over her shoulder. "Our mystery girl seems to be showing a bit of personality." She giggled and disappeared into a room. You even smiled a bit. Then the doors slammed open and lightning sparked in the air.

Yay! Another chapter done! I apologise for the slow updates, school is making me busy! In the next chapter, we are gonna explore your abilities a bit ;) Have fun.

Thanks for reading so far guys! I noticed the story is quite popular (Well for me...) and I really appreciate it! I will try to update more often so DONT WORRY!!! Bye for now!!!


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