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I know I haven't updated in ages, but I didn't realise how popular this book was getting! I know I say that a lot, but I really am surprised.

So, the reason I haven't been updating. There is a couple.
1. My friends, (Specifically two of them) keep harassing me. This is because I have this notebook that I write in during school, cause we aren't supposed to use devices, except for school work. I'm writing a story in that notebook, and my two friends won't leave me alone, cause they really like it and they get annoyed at me cause I like having cliffhangers. Oops... Yah. And one of them started crying cause I hadn't written the next chapter. Like full on. And my other friend pokes me... It' weird. Don't question.

2. So, I go to a gifted and talented school for drama, and we had this massive performance, so afternoons were full of either rehearsals or stressing out about my lines and blocking. Our drama teachers really stress us out and push us to our limit. Then I had to juggle normal school work and studying for the 5 million tests and assignments my teachers think are necessary. So yeah.

3. My sleeping habits are terrible. My friends have told me several times to get my sleeping patterns checked by a doctor... I don't know how that works. Yeah. So, my average sleeping time is around 3 hours a night. And I'm not exaggerating. I can't get to sleep, and when Ido, I wake up again an hour and a half later, only to stay up till 5am cause MY BODY FRICKING HATES MEEEEEEEE. I've accidentally skipped breakfast a couple times cause I was too tired to get out of bed. Whoops. And i'm still young... Your supposed to have better sleep when you are my age but NOOOOO. No sleep for me. Which is always a great thing.

Between those reasons, I haven't had much time. At all. And I'm tired. And not motivated to do anything at all. So pls excuse me for my very poor updating skills.



Me and my friends accomplished something great...


So lots of boys are all sporty. Then there's like 25% that are game fanboys. Then there's 5% that are TRUE fanboys. And we found one. We must protect him with our lives!!!

I feel like the reason there are none, is because fangirls like me scare them off...

So, thanks guys! I'll try to update more often, and you know, get more sleep, and more time, now that the performance is over.



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