Trust + Important A/N

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Letting out all your built up tears felt great. It had been ages since you last cried. You saw it as a sign of weakness. You cried for a solid 5 minutes before wiping your eyes with the back of your hand. You sniffed slightly, hoping your face wasn't tear stained and your eyes weren't puffy and red. Standing slowly, you glanced around. Evergreen had disappeared into the the trees, yet you could still sense her magic power. She was still extremely close. Standing fully on your feet, you shuffled towards the source of power.

After walking for a little while, you heard something much clearer than before. Well, more like sensed it. You felt the air shifting slightly, like sharp inhales and exhales of breath. The temperature was slightly warmer in one particular spot, behind a cluster of trees and bushes. You stopped, worried of scaring her, or making her run to tell everyone about your powers immediately. You crept forward on the tips of your toes, trying to make the least sound possible. You continued until you made it right in front of the bushes where Evergreen was hiding. Peering over the thick foliage, your (E/C) eyes met her dark brown ones.

You watched as Evergreen opened her mouth, eyes wide, ready to utter a piercing shriek. Quick as lightning, you shot out your hand and covered her mouth, successfully muffling the deafening noise. You put a finger to your lips, motioning for her to keep quiet, and removed your hand from her mouth. "I won't hurt you. Follow me, we can talk." You said quietly and as gently as possible. Eyes still wide, Evergreen shook her head. "No. We talk here or nowhere." She said, motioning to the ground next to her. You sighed, climbing over the bush to sit next to her. This was going to be a long talk.

Time Skip, 10mins later

You had explained all the major parts, about getting lost as a toddler and Elementa saving and raising you. You told Evergreen about the magics you possessed. But you left out where you had gone while wandering and what had happened to you. That was too personal to talk about with anybody. Evergreen's eyes had slowly become less alarmed after you explained about Elementa's death. She asked no questions, obviously accepting that this was difficult to talk about.

Talking had really relieved a pressure off your chest, though a greater one still remained. Both of you had stayed silent for a few minutes after you had finished talking. Evergreen was letting everything you had told her sink in, while you were remembering all you had gone through. Biting your lip, you fought back tears. You shook your head and looked at Evergreen. "Please don't tell anyone. I never wanted anyone to know." You whispered to her. She nodded and gave you a lop sided smile. "Of course not. I can't believe you told me the truth about what happened to you for all that time you and Laxus have been separated." Her smile faded, and her head whipped around to face you. "It was the truth right!" She said, suddenly alarmed. You smiled at her. "Of course." You traced an X with a magic black ink over your heart. "Cross my heart." She stared at you amazed. "What kind of magic was that?" She asked. You smiled wider. "Promise magic." She laughed, and soon you were laughing too.

You both laughed for a while. It felt good to finally, truly trust someone. You finally stopped laughing, wiping the tears from the corners of your eyes. After fully recovering, you stood, brushing the dirt and leaves from your rear. Holding out your arm, you pulled Evergreen to her feet and began walking back to the people on Tenroe Island. On the way back, Evergreen asked a question. "So... Are we friends now?" She queried. You gave her a sideways glance, still concentrating on your surroundings. "Weren't we before?" You asked curiously. "Well, yeah." She replied slowly. "But you were always distant. Plus, I feel like we are even closer than anyone you've ever met. Especially after you told me... all that." You smiled. "That's true. I guess you could say that we are now... best friends." She gawked at you, like you had just admitted that you had murdered all your guild mates. "Wha-" She began, but you cut her off. "You gotta tell me one of your secrets as well Ever." You winked at her. She sighed. "Fine. I guess I... Like El...." You smirked. "What was that Evergreen?"

She looked nervous. "I uh... Like Elfm..." She mumbled again, looking ashamed. "You like who?" You laughed. She took a deep breath and stopped walking, facing you. "I like Elfman." She said evenly, though her cheeks burned a crimson red. You laughed, pulling her arm. "Ok Ever. Let's keep going." She looked confused for a second, but let you pull her forward, through the trees and to the others sat in a big circle, talking happily. You smiled and yelled out. "HEY GUYZZZZZZZZ!!!" Evergreen covered her ears. Everyone turned and looked at you confused. Laxus smirked. "Showing a bit of spunk there sister." He laughed. You eyed him down. "Never say that again." You said threateningly. Evergreen inched around and sat with the rest of the Thunder Legion. Laxus kept smirking.

"What? Spunk?" He said louder. You growled playfully, marching over to him and kicking his arm. Not hard, but enough to give him an idea of what you could do. You put your hands on your hips, summoning as much sass as you could. "I can still whoop yo' ass in a fight bro." You said laughing slightly. As soon as you had finished your sentence, a chorus of "OOOOOH's" sounded around you. Laughing, you waltzed into the circle, between Lucy and Erza, and stared him down from a distance. Laughing, he put his hands up in surrender. Immediately, Gildarts - who was next to him - elbowed him in the ribs and made fun of him. "Your little sister is tougher than you Laxus. Not living up to your title much are you." He said. Everyone laughed. And that was the first time you finally felt like you fit in.

Hello readers!!! I really appreciate your support on this book!

Just going to ask, do you want me to right up the story that I mentioned in an earlier Author's note? You know, the one which my friends are harassing me to write? I would be happy to type that up, cause it has pretty short chapters. Just comment if you would like me to or not!

Thanks for reading Y'all!!!


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