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All you saw was brown. You tried to move but you couldn't. Not without some unknown substance floating into your eye. You heard voices above you. Something about the island appearing out of nowhere. Then you heard shouting. It sounded awfully familiar... Natsu. Your eyes widened, before you squeezed them shut. You took a deep breath and used your wind magic to push the brown substance, or dirt you realised, upwards. A light flooded into your eyes when you opened them. You quickly sat up and looked around. A few of your guild members were staring at you. Natsu was running around like a madman, trying to help others. You realised that you were alive. You threw your fist in the air "YES!"

You found out that you had been 'asleep' for 7 years. By 'asleep' I mean, frozen in time or something. Your original guild hall had been taken over by a new guild called Twilight Ogre, and you had migrated to an old windmill, where Twilight Ogre were bullying your guild mates, trying to force them into paying tax. Lots of the guild had left, as Fairy Tail was no longer at its full glory. Apparently, they had embarrassed themselves several times in front of the whole of Fiore in some annual magic event called the Grand Magic Games. They had pretty much become the worst guild in Fiore.

After listening to the past events of the 7 years you were 'asleep', everyone was silent, processing the new and terrible information. Then Natsu broke the silence by jumping up and yelling. "Well let's go save them!" Everyone cheered, getting ready to leave. You, on the other hand, walked into the bush, while the others were making sure that no one was still buried. You walked, and walked. You faintly remembered a strange man being somewhere in these woods. You wanted to see if he was still here. After wandering for a while, you decided to scan the island with your magic. You checked that no one was around, before muttering a spell. "Magic survey." I wasn't an air spell, but a space spell, so you had to be careful. Massive waves of magic energy floated from your body, off into the distance. You quickly disguised them so nobody would see.

After a while, you found nothing. Disappointed, you turned to go back to your guild mates. Then you froze. You had seen a familiar head of green hair, and a face with glasses. Evergreen. She looked like she was hiding. She'd seen your magic! You freaked out. She was going to tell everyone that you'd lied. You started hyperventilating, remembering incidents from, your past.

Flash Back

You were walking into a strange town, looking for some supplies to start your exploring of Fioré. The town was lovely. Trees and plants were everywhere, the buildings looked inviting, and the people all had smiles on their faces. You walked into a small food shop. Behind the counter was a middle aged woman. Two kids were running around, placing things on shelves. They must be her kids. You browsed through the aisles, picking up a few bits and pieces. Once you had a decent amount of groceries, you walked up to the counter,placing everything down.

After the lady scanned everything, she told you the price. "That'll be 80 jewels please." You nodded, waving your hand  and making the money appear on the counter from your personal, magic stash. It was a lot easier then carting it all around. The woman looked surprised. "Oh! So your a wizard. You look pretty young to be able to use magic. What kind do you use?" She asked politely. "I've mastered all of them." Came your quick reply. The lady was even more surprised.  Then she regained her posture and cleared her throat. "Say, you seem to be walking around by yourself. Why don't you come stay with my family for a while, just so you can get your bearings." The offer was tempting, so you agreed.

Time skip

The children of the town bullied you. They said you were a freak of nature. They said that no one should be able to use that many magics, or magic at all at your age, and that you should be killed. They tried to black-mail you into conjuring up gems and money and whatever they wanted. Every time, you refused, and you would get beaten up. You refused to use your magic on the children, as you wanted to keep the town's trust. But one day, it got out of control.

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