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You had been part of  the Fairy Tail for 2 weeks now, but you still mostly kept to yourself. You had a few friends. Your brother, Laxus, had introduced you to the Thunder Legion. There was Freed, Evergreen and Bixslow. Freed used enchantments, Evergreen used fairy magic and Bixslow used soul magic, which kind of freaked you out. Especially when he stared at you. It was like he was gazing directly into your soul... You had also made other friends, including Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Levy, Gajeel and the exceeds - Happy, Carla and Pantherlily. Even though you had all these friends, you never really talked. It was just a bit weird for you, after all, you traveled by yourself for 11 years.

After mulling it over in your head for a while, you decided to take your first job. You forcefully pry yourself from your chair and shuffle towards the request board. You hadn't noticed it but, out of habit, you had flicked your F/C hood back onto your head. You slowly lowered it while peering at the options for jobs. Suddenly, you hear a voice behind you. "Finally taking your lazy butt on a job, are you?" You don't even flinch, before replying to the fire dragon-slayer. "Mmhm. And I'm gonna do it all by myself!" At that moment, your older brother had to come and intervene. "Umm, no. Y/N you are not going on a job by yourself. It's your first one. You should take Natsu's team with you. For experience." You death glared Laxus for being so over-protective, but sigh, knowing this is a battle you cannot win. "Fine." You mutter. "But I'm choosing it." You scan over the board before a certain request catches your eye. "Investigate sudden source of unnatural amount of magical power. Coming from the ocean. No one in town is a wizard. Reward: 4 million... Wait! 4 million jewels!" You exclaim surprised. Natsu nods in agreement at your choice of job. You finally turn and face him "You can come, as long as I get half the reward. You can share the other half between yourselves. I need to get an apartment. I'm tired of living with my smelly brother." You whisper the last part, glancing around nervously hoping Laxus doesn't hear.

Time skip

You had already talked to the issuer of the request. They had said that the power had been radiating off some unknown source for 2 weeks. It was making all the technology and mechanics go nuts. You had borrowed a boat and headed towards the source of power. There was so much, that it was impossible not to notice it. Unluckily, thanks to his natural dragon slayer abilities, Natsu was hanging out of the boat with motion sickness. Just great. You thought to yourself. We haven't even started the job and he's already about to puke his guts out. Your thoughts were confirmed by the sympathetic looks Erza, Gray, Wendy and Lucy were giving him. You would definitely show them. You were about 10 times more powerful than all of them combined.

Soon you had landed ashore a small island. Something about it seemed familiar. In the middle of the island, a hideously tall tower jutted towards the sky. You confidently walked towards the beginning of a staircase while the others where whispering to each other. Even Erza was shaking, but you had no idea what they were so scared about. "Come on guys. This isn't like you, stop being wimps. Toughen up and climb the god dammed tower already!" You called, already several stairs above them. Gray almost immediately yelled back "That's easy for you to say Y/N! You weren't here last time! You haven't seen what happened last time with... Jellal..." Something about the name he said sounded familiar. It obviously meant something to the others, because they all shuddered as soon as it was spoken. You just shrugged and continued bounding up the stairs, three at a time, anxious to get this over with and claim your reward.

It didn't take long for you to reach the top, especially at the pace you were going. You were so excited you could hardly contain your energy. You peered down, leaning against the railing, but immediately regretted it. You were terrified of heights and this tower seemed to stretch downwards into an eternal darkness. The others were so far behind that you couldn't see them at all, so you decided to continue on by yourself. You turned on your heel and marched up to the intricately carved oak doors in front of you. You pushed them roughly open and marched straight up to a surprised looking man, sat on a throne on the other side of the room. You couldn't see his face because of the jacket he wore, which shadowed his face, much like how you wore your own F/C hoodie. Then, all of a sudden, he looked up. That face. You stopped in your tracks and were immediately overcome with dizziness.

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