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The Fairy Tail guild really wasn't doing to well. Very few members had stayed, and those that had were becoming poor because no one gave them job requests anymore. Even worse, the original guild hall had been taken over by a new guild called Twilight Ogre, and they were taking the guilds small amount of money as tax for the tiny guild hall Fairy Tail was situated in now. Twilight Ogre also came and wrecked the guild. The Tenroe Island group returned at such a time.

"I can't wait to see the guild again!" Chirped a very excited pink-haired dragon-slayer. "Well, from what we've been told, it's not in a great shape, Natsu." You replied, crushing his great mood. He turned to look at you seriously for a moment, his face showing no emotion. You stared back. Then he broke out in a grin. "We'll just fix it Y/N! And we'll beat the crap out of that other guild. What was their name... White light motor or something?" You face palmed. "Your an idiot Natsu." You mumbled, deciding to hang back and talk to someone else. Natsu gave you a confused look but kept walking. Scanning the small group, you decided to talk to Natsu's rival - Gray.

You walked through the group approaching the ice-Mage from behind. You crept up behind him silently, deciding to give him a nice surprise. Following behind him, you pondered a way to surprise him. While you were pondering, Evergreen came up next to you and poked you in the arm. You grinned slightly and spoke to her through your mind. 'Hey there Evergreen'.You said. She looked at you surprised and replied. 'I didn't know you could use telepathy!' She exclaimed. 'Well, yeah. Any magic literally means ANY magic.' You told her. 'So your can communicate like Warren?' She asked curiously. You nearly laughed and blew your cover for surprising Gray. How he hadn't heard you and Evergreen yet confused you. 'I'm better at it then him. Despite it being his main magic.' You bragged to her. You heard her audibly sigh next to you. 'Anyway.' You said. 'What's a way I can surprise Gray. I have no creative energy right now.' You questioned. She grinned.

Evergreen gave you a great idea and you immediately carried it out. Gray was walking directly in front of you, without a shirt on (of course he doesn't. Why would you suspect he did?), making your plan even better. Evergreen had told you to smack him in some way, but you decided to do something even better. You planned to jab him in the spine. Hard. Your harmless idea to surprise your friend had become an evil desire to hurt him in some way. You snuck up closer behind him and jabbed him really hard in the spine. So hard, you heard and felt a sharp crack. "Oowwwwwww!" He complained, looking behind him, to your innocently smiling face. "Why would you do that Y/N?" He complained. "Your becoming as annoying as Natsu!" He sighed, glancing at the hyper dragon-slayer. You laughed lightly and walked ahead of him, having a play-fight with your brother.

You heard a fight inside the small windmill that served as Fairy Tail's guild hall. You shared a concerned glance with Lucy before striding forward and throwing open the doors. A small group of men - obviously from the Twilight Ogre group - were in the midst of smashing furniture and threatening the remaining guild members. You placed your hands in your hips, standing at the front of the Tenroe Island group, and glared at the offending men. Once you were satisfied that you had terrified them enough, you turned your attention to the guild members - all staring in awe at their supposed dead guild members. You smirked. "We're back biatches!!!"

Time Skip 2 weeks later

Everyone was settling into the guild quite nicely. It felt good to be back home again. The only problem remaining was the constant threat of Twilight Ogre. Though they hadn't returned in the two weeks you had been back, everyone knew they would return. You had decided to go with Erza, Mira and Master Makorov to try and 'peacefully negotiate' and get our guild hall back.

The four of you walked calmly into Twilight Ogre's guild hall and politely asked to see their master. They offered you a single seat opposite and throne like chair separated by a small coffee table. Mira, Erza and you stood calmly behind the chair, ready to support Master Makorov's negotiations. Twilight Ogre's master walked calmly out of his office, not suspecting a thing. Once he'd sat down, Makarov began talking. "So. We'd like to calmly negotiate the terms of your guilds moving." Twilight Ogre's master looked confused for a second, then he looked downright pissed off. All four of you stayed smiling. "Excuse me! You think you can just waltz into MY guild hall and tell us to get out!!!" He yelled, furious. "Well. We were going to stay calm and hope you agreed. But it appears we will have to use our back up plan. Ladies?" The three of you got ready to fight. Mira-Jane changed into her demon form, Erza changed into her Heaven's Wheel (I think that's what it's called.) armour and you created a small tornado around all of you. You all still smiled. Then you spoke. "We hope you'll get out before we have to use force." You swore the master nearly wet himself, judging from the look of terror etched into his face. "We'll give you until this time tomorrow to be gone. If you're not, well... let's just say that you'll have to pay much more than our guild did!" You chirped, walking calmly out the door. About a street away, you all regathered yourselves. You and Mira laughed so hard that you began to cry, whilst Master and Erza watched you, smiles of their own painted clearly on their faces.

After a long while of laughter and strange looks, your small group made their way back to your temporary guild hall. Once you reached it, you burst through the door, causing everyone to look at you. You smiled calmly and walked to the bar, swinging on a stool. "You've got to stop doing that Y/N. You'll break the doors!" Evergreen teased, sitting next to you. You laughed. "Well it won't matter much! We'll be situated in our old hall by tomorrow!" You claimed, winking at your best friend. "Oooh look at you using big words. So that means the mission went well?" Evergreen queried. You nodded, eyeing your brother, who was slowly approaching the two of you.

"What do you want bro?" You asked when he was close enough. "Well, I just thought I'd check up on my sister." He answered, ruffling your hair. You smacked his hand away. "Ewwwww. Boy cooties!" You teased. He chuckled, putting you in a headlock and ruffling your hair yet again. "Glad to see your making friends. And not being an anti-social freak, like when you first arrived. You groaned, not wanting to remember how socially awkward and shy you were not too long ago. "Well it's not my fault. I'd never really talked to actual people before. And the ones I have talked to..." you trailed off, remembering the lady that was driven to psychotics because of your power. You shivered. "Scared of people now are you. Don't be a wo- woah. What's wrong?" Your brother cut himself off, seeing your face suddenly become incredibly sad.

You shook your head, faking a smile and told him "Nothing!" He didn't look convinced but stopped pushing. "Anyway the important thing right now is that we are moving back into our actual guild hall." You yelled out. The guild members turned to you. They all blinked in surprise, then broke out into grins. Yelling a whooping must've been heard all the way to the blue Pegasus guild. "Yes!!! Go Fairy Tail!" Was yelled out by Romeo. You walked over to him. "That's right, little boy. Fairy Tail rules!" You laughed ruffling his hair. "CELEBRATION TONIGHT!" Natsu screamed, breathing fire. Not even Gray retorted, and the night was full of laughter and celebration.


Hey guyzzzzzzzz! The story is going well so far, don't ya think!

I'm sorry it takes me so long to update, but typing on an iPad takes much effort. But I've got a laptop now! So it won't take me as long! Look forward to more updates!

That's all peeps!


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