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You blinked.
"Um... I'm not sure I heard you right..." You murmured quietly, but Jellal was unconscious again. You stared at his face for a moment before standing carefully. You turned slowly to look at your friends. They were still staring at you like you were some god or something. You smirked.
Let them think that.
"You guys can go ahead, collect the reward and go back to the guild. I have some er... Business to attend to here still..." You carefully told them. With that they all walked away, confusion written clearly on their faces.

You made sure your companions were far out of sight, before turning back to Jellal and healing his wounds with your sky dragon magic. You watched him as he slowly opened his eyes and sat up. After a moment, he lazily turned his head to the side, looking at you, before blinking and jumping to his feet. You smirked and stood to face him. His face was bright red.
"Y-you... Umm... Y-y-you didn't h-hear what I-I said... R-right?"

You frowned. While his stammering was cute, it was extremely out of character for him. You stared intently at his face, trying to work out what his problem was, while he glanced anywhere but you. Finally, he cleared his throat and in his normal voice, began talking to you. "So... How've you been all these years...?" You didn't respond right away. "Good." You finally stated. You stepped up to him, until your toes were touching and examined his face closer. While this embarrassed you greatly, you could hide it well, while Jellal became even redder, if that was even possible.

Neither of you spoke for a while, but you finally broke the silence. "I did hear what you said." You whispered softly, earning a gulp from the bluenette. You continued to stare up at him in silence, until you finally gathered up your courage. You took a deep breathe, before leaning up on your tip-toes to his height, and kissing him full on the lips.

You felt his body tense up against you, so you released the kiss, turned on your heel, and began walking away. "Wait!" You heard a voice behind you. Before a hand gripped your wrist and spun you around, right into an unexpected embrace. After a second, you came to your senses and slowly hugged Jellal back. He broke away slightly, taking your chin in his hands and bringing your face in for another heart-warming kiss.

After you broke away, you stared into each other's eyes for a while. "It's late (Y/N). You should stay the night." Jellal stated. He didn't give you a chance to reply, before he had picked you up bridal style and began marching off to some unknown destination. You didn't really mind. You were quite tired. After a while of walking, Jellal gently placed you on your feet and opened a door. Inside was a large room, with a king sized bed, and several expensive looking pieces of wooden desks, chairs and shelves. A comfortable looking couch sat in a corner. Jellal took you hand and gently led you over to his bed. You quietly laid down, with him next to you. You tried separating yourself from him, but to your annoyance, Jellal hooked an arm around your waist and dragged you towards him, until your face was against his chest and you were completely stuck. "Night, (Y/N)." You heard Jellal mutter. You yawned "Goodnight Jellal." You replied quietly before falling into a deep sleep.

Erza's POV
We exited the Tower of Heaven in silence. I was thinking about that (Y/N) girl. She seemed to have magic power far exceeding those of many wizards. We slowly walked to the boat that we came on and clamber aboard.

Time skip
We were walking back to the guild the next morning when we realised that (Y/N) was still at the Tower of Heaven. With Jellal. She's a strange girl. We walked in the door, but no one noticed us as there was always quite a commotion in our guild. Soon though, we were confronted with an extremely angry looking Laxus. "Where's my sister." He hissed at me, giving off a terrifying aura. The guild fell silent. Lucy and Wendy gulped. I stared right back at him and told him the honest truth. "She's with her boyfriend." I whispered.

This seemed to really get on Laxus's nerves as he punched the wall behind me and made a massive dent. "She's not allowed to have a boyfriend!" He yelled furiously. He roared and stormed out of the guild, practically throwing Natsu on the floor in the process. "You'll never find her." I challenged. Bad idea. He attacked me with his lightning and I was thrown back. All hell broke loose. Never get into a fight with an angry Laxus again.


Yay! Some of you might have thought that it was going to become a lemon there. But NOOOO!!!! Just so you know, I don't do lemons. So don't ask me to cause I'll ignore you... (I'm savage lol). Ok, but seriously, don't ask me to do lemons, I'm like 5 at heart. And if my friends found out they would never let me live it down... Yeah... So anyway. Hope you are enjoying the story so far! Like and comment and whatever and keep reading! Give me some ideas for new chapters! Thanks!

Bye bye!

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