Siblings Clash

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Lightning flashed all around your guild. Your guild mates ducked for cover under anything they could find. Tables, chairs, you name it, they were all huddled up under them. You alone were left to face the monster that started this wave of fear. You turned on your bar stool, keeping your face devoid of emotion. In the doorway stood a large, threatening shadow, sending off uncontrollable bolts of electricity everywhere. The beast was none other than your older brother. Laxus.

Your brother was absolutely furious. One look at his face told you that you were in for hell. "(Y/N)..." he growled. You gulped. You were exhausted from yelling at Jellal. You had no energy to fight your brother. Plus, in your state, it would be easier for you to become angrier then you already were and accidentally reveal all of the other magics that were at your disposal. "Yes brother. I am here." You replied slowly, then winced. You hadn't meant it to be a smart, sassy comment, but you had accidentally added a sarcastic edge to your voice.

Laxus walked towards you. You stood and gulped. When your brother stood a metre in front of you, he reached out and picked you up by your hood. You gasped and tried to fight him off. He laughed. "This is punishment for staying out so long and not contacting me. This hoodie that your always wearing will be so broken that it can't be fixed." He smirked. You blinked. You knew your brother could get angry and unreasonable very easily, but you didn't think he would be that bad, and towards his own sister. And, Elementa had give you that hoodie.

You stopped struggling and hung, your feet dangling a metre off the ground. You stayed still for a moment so your brother would think you'd given in. Then, with a sharp jerk of your leg, you kicked him in the stomach, hard. You then bolted outside and into the field outside of Magnolia. Your brother wasn't too far behind you, and your guild mates weren't far behind him. They made a ring around you. Master Makarov stepped forward. "Now my grandchildren. If you want to fight, do it here. We will have a fair fight and will be judged by everyone here." Then he turned to your guild mates. "Everyone! Place your bets quickly! We have a fight to witness!" He yelled. Everyone cheered.

Soon, the bets had been placed. Very few were in your favour. The only ones that had bet on you were the people with you on the mission to the Tower Of Heaven, minus Erza. The fight then began and everyone went silent. You stood still on your edge and Laxus was frozen on his side too. Your guild mates had stepped back a few metres and placed a protective barrier between you two, and them. They knew how explosive Laxus's magic was. Then your brother raised his arm and shot a few lightning bolts at you. You didn't move a muscle. You had already predicted that he would make a few moves to scare you first. He then raised his arm again and shot a quick blast right at you. Your eyes widened and you quickly flipped out of the way. Literally. You had front flipped forward a few metres. You nearly lost your balance though, because you had put to much power into the flip. You used your air magic to keep you up. Then you raised your head to look at your brother. He was completely shocked. You smirked. You're in trouble big bro.

After carefully avoiding your brothers attacks for a while, you decided to make one of your own. You clapped your hands together and whispered the spell so no one else could hear. "God slayer secret art - Heavenly gathering of clouds!" You then raised your arms over your head and half-heartedly sent the spell at your brother. It hit him full on. He was instantly knocked out, even though the spell wasn't even at a quarter of its potential with your usage. You smiled and lowered your arms, allowing your guild mates to process what had just happened. Laxus had lost to his younger sister!

Everyone was quiet in disbelief. Then you heard them whispering. "She beat Laxus!" "That only took one hit!" "She's scarier then her brother!" The last comment made you a little mad. But before you could do anything, the master step forward and cleared his throat. "Well, I know it's hard to believe but we have a winner!" You frowned. "(Y/N) is the victor, taking out Laxus with one hit. Everyone, hand over your money to the winning betters and lets go back to the guild!" Everyone nodded in agreement and left, leaving you to carry your brother. You used wind magic to heave Laxus up and carry him into the guilds infirmary, to be treated carefully after the beating he had just been given.

Time Skip
Laxus had finally woken up and you had been dragged into the infirmary to talk to him, by a very persistent Mira-Jane. "Why do I have to talk to him?" You asked. Mira sighed. "Because he's your brother and he probably wants to apologise for acting the way he did." She stopped at the foot of his bed. "Isn't that right Laxus?" She innocently asked. You heard Laxus grumble something along the lines of, "I don't really want to see one of your faces right now." You grinned knowing he was talking about you. Mira looked confused. "Pardon Laxus, I didn't hear what you said." She bubbled happily. You started laughing and your brother glared at you.

You had a little staring contest, which you one and he sighed. Your grin widened and you slowly backed away. "(Y/N)? Where are you going?" Mira asked. You laughed sadistically. "You don't need me here..." Mira blinked. "What? Of cou-" she was cut of by Laxus's hand on her arm. You laughed even more. Then you turned and ran away. "I SHIP IT! I SHIP IT! I SHIP IT! OTP! OTP! OTP! OOOOOOO-TTTTTTTTTTT-PPPPPPPPPP!!!" You yelled, running into the main area of the guild and out the doors.

Lucy's POV
Natsu, Erza and Gray were very confused when (Y/N) ran out of the infirmary yelling things like 'I ship it" and 'OTP'. Most of our other guild mates were also confused, minus some girls. Happy and I were laughing our heads off while Wendy was blushing like crazy. Gray cleared his threat. "Erm... what was she talking about?" I stared at him in disbelief. Happy strutted right up into his face and punched him, leaving Gray even more confused. Then, the three of us, along with anyone else who understood, walked out the doors to rant about the idiotic minds of our oblivious guild mates.


Yeah. I saw an opportunity and had to put a little bit of Miraxus in there. Sorry. Also, if you don't ship it, go to hell. If you don't know what OTP and SHIP IT mean, go to hell.

...sorry that was rude. I'm just really weird...

Anyway, thank you all so much for reading! Keep enjoying the story!

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