A/N Explanation

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Hey guys

Wow look at me, actually updating after promising to months ago. Amazing, I'm so reliable.

Now, I will talk about why I haven't been updating for so long.

So, around mid-last year I found out that I was definitely moving super far away from where I was. I fought a lot with myself over this for many reasons that are pretty dumb to think about now, but I was a lot less mature than I was now. I think the biggest thing was having to leave my safe zone and all these people that supported me and made me happy. I stopped writing and started literally just zoning out. Eventually the moving day came, and I left, which was heartbreaking and all, but then I was in this new place. After leaving my safe zone I became hyper-aware of my anxiety as I was without my friends for support. I began really suffering because I just couldn't feel comfortable in this new place. It is different now, as I have found a pattern and I have felt motivation to write again (mostly through the encouragement of a few specific friends, new and old). Sorry for the shoddy explanation, but there's a lot to it that even I don't fully understand quite yet.

But, just because I will be writing again, I don't know home much I will be updating. I'm writing my own story that I will probably be focusing a lot on, and lot's of my WattPad stories have just slipped my interest.

Now, it would be possible for me to continue this story, maybe. Maybe if I backtracked a little, but I've fallen out of love with Fairy Tail. I don't know, I mean tell me if you really want me to and i'll try but I don't know how consistent I could be

I mean, we'll see, but thank you all for sticking with me, and dealing with my little rant and crappy update schedule. Goodbye for now


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